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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


Douma cried as he rubbed his head after rubbing his ass a second ago, leading him to get another slap. "Akaza-dono! ouch!!!!" douma whined, crying. "don't rub your damn hands after touching your fat ass!" akaza disgustingly glared at douma. "Whatever!" he whined, soon enough the duo starting bickering once again. kokushibo sat beside them both, rethinking why they were in the positions on uppermoon 2 and 3 when they act like this.

"we.. should find somewhere to stay in for the time being.. or we'll stay homeless here.." kokushibo reminded. "aren't we already broke?! I mean, we don't even have yen!" douma waved his hands in the air, smacking akaza in the face. "i have yen..." kokushibo sighed, "you're the only one broke. dumbass!" akaza smacked douma's head, "owie akaza-donooo!" he whined, waving his left hand slightly angry while his right hand on his face.

"you're soooo meannn!" he continued to whine; "shut up douma! you act like that white-haired uppermoon who whines and calls for her brother!" akaza glared, looking down at douma. "ehh.. I thought you respected women akaza-dono! how surprising!" douma blinked a few times, exclaiming while smiling. "ah wait where'd my fans go!?" douma worriedly looked around his surroundings for his precious fans while having a horrified expression.

"i'm.. literally going to leave you both.. if you don't hurry and.. get your asses up.." kokushibo glared at the duo, sending them both chills down their spines. "kokushibo-dono can be scary as a human too!" douma exclaimed, shivering. "idiot, he's the same person, of course he can be scary! dumbass!" akaza slapped the back of douma's head, sending him to almost fall face-flat on the sidewalk.

"ah! akaza-dono don't hit me that hard! you're gonna make me fall flat on the floor!" he complained, holding himself back up. "it would be better if you did fall flat on the floor." akaza scoffed, walking away from kokushibo and douma. "wahhh! how meann akaza-dono!!" douma fake cried, trailing after akaza, annoying the shit out of him.

"where are they.. going.. they should be the ones who are following behind me.." kokushibo stood on the sidewalk, looking at the duo fighting once more before letting out a tired sigh, trailing behind the fighting duo. "this way.. you idiots." kokushibo dragged the fighting duo by their collars.

"KWJEHAHGSGWA! KOKUSHIBO-DONOOO!! HE HIT ME!" douma whined, rubbing the spot akaza repeatedly hit his head; showing 3 large bumps. "SHUT UP!" akaza threatened, "both of you.. just shut up." kokushibo sent glaring daggers at them both; successfully making them shut up.

the trio walked, well more like being dragged by their upper one, to find a place to stay in. "ouh! these houses look so.. weird!" douma examined his surroundings, admiring the nearby houses, well, restaurants to be precise. "these don't look like houses, they have signs and stuff." akaza explored with his eyes, reading the sign that says "mc donalds."

"what's mc donalds? it says they're open for 24 hours!" douma exclaimed, suddenly wanting to go there. "ew that place looks like a clown." akaza replied, "no it doesn't! it's just your eyes that think it is!" douma resorted back, "right kokushibo-dono?" douma looked over to kokushibo, hoping he would agree with him. "no." he replied, douma's hopes went down a drain. "WAHHHH!!!" he cried, "Why can't we try it out?!" douma threw a tantrum, explaining why they should try it out even if they don't know what the hell it is.

"let's drop him off here, he's so annoying. that man wouldn't care if we even did so." akaza finally let out, "we can't.. just leave him here like that.. now that we're humans.. we've got to stick together.." kokushibo reminded, "that sounds dumb to me, i don't think we should with that bratty blonde-haired." akaza crossed his arms. "well.. let's just go try it out.. or else he'll continue to throw a tantrum.." kokushibo walked away, akaza trailed behind him, cussing and swearing at douma in his brain.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T ACCEPT YEN AND DON'T KNOW WHAR HUNGBAMJUM IS!??!" douma yelled at the poor cashier; who seemed terrified at his actions. "s-sir, please remain calm.. we're not sure what a hungbamjum is.." the cashier replied with a horrified expression casted on his face. "uGH! I WANT A REFUND!" douma slapped his heads on the counter. "AAHHHH!!" the cashier screamed, horrified, "IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME MY HUNGBAMJUM IM GOING TO USE THIS THING CALLED SUING!" douma exclaimed angrily.

"sir, if you don't calm down, we will have to kick you out of mc donalds." a worker threatened, coming in. "NOT UNTIL I GET MY HUNGBAMJUM!!!" the blonde-haired yelled, ready to throw another tantrum if he doesn't get to try out the hamburger meal.

"do you mean hamburger?" the cashier asked, unfazed. "Yes!" douma's expression and tone had changed to a cheerful one as soon as the hamburger was mentioned. "douma.." kokushibo called, "huh? oh kokushibo-dono!" douma waved, "i was about to order some happy meal but they refused to give me some! kokushibo-dono can you.." douma was rudely cut off, "No dumbass." akaza slapped his head, "we're leaving." douma was dragged, "no! what?! WAHHH!" he cried out, failing his arms in the air, "akaZA-dONO!!!"

the workers could only deadpan at the scene in front of them.

"I apologize for those two.." kokushibo quickly apologized bowing, but not before running off.

The workers exchanged looks at eachother, "have you seen what i've just seen?" one the workers asked, "yes, i have.." another sweatdropped. "another thing is one of them couldn't pronounce hamburger? they look fluent to japanese though," the other stated, the first worker shook their head, "no no, he would've spoken japanese to us then." they spoke, hands on their hips.

"well, let's just drop this subject, it's kind of weird to think about this, their clothing looked quite weird too, as if they were from-"

"are yer slacking off?!" a voice interrupted the workers train of thoughts. "sorry!!"


"You guys! I just wanted to try out mc donalds! How could you?!?" douma whined, trailing behind the two. "And- i'm straving too! UUugHH-" the blonde male complained, "You know what, shut up douma, let me remind you, we're not here to do whatever we want here, we're here to find the blue spider lily." akaza reminded harashly, "Pssh, no need to state the obvious akaza-dono!" douma laughed shrugging.

"But we're humans now.. It's not like we can find it anyways." kokushibo spoke, "aheMM, gotta agree with kokushibo-dono here~" douma put his hands on kokushibo's shoulders. "get.. your hands.. off me.." kokushibo warned, slapping the blondie's hands off his shoulder.

"waahh! how meann!" he pouted, "we don't really care," akaza crossed his arms. "let's just go find somewhere to live, or something. i don't even know where the hell we are." akaza groaned, "i'm kind of tired too, being a human we have so many shitty things to face now." akaza added, "ehh, we get it akaza-dono~" douma teased, "shut up."

[ 8/15/2022 ] - not proof read

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

[ 8/15/2022 ] - not proof read

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