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The dim sunlight halos Brooklynn's pink hair as she starts her recording as she prepared her guitar for the show.

"Hello Brooklanders, today we have a special guest joining us. My older sister Piper with her song Panic Room. But right now let's play an old favorite of mine A Promise That I'll Keep." Brooklynn said to the camera. As she took a breath and played the first cords.

After the song was over she started to feel herself crack on the inside as tears prick her eyes her breathing became more like she ran a marathon rather than just singing. She turned off the camera and just sat there staring into space. "Brook I'm here, sorry I took so long I was talking with an old friend." Piper saw her sister holding her guitar. "Brook? Hey are you okay?" Piper asked as she reached over to her sister and removed the guitar from her sisters grip and held her hands. Looking into Brooklynn's eyes was like looking at a turbulent ocean during a storm. The younger girl was just staring of into space. "Welcome to the panic room where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you, come for you." Piper sang the song to her it was what they do to ground each other. When Brooklynn finaly came to she just hugged Piper. "Thanks sis. I don't know what happened I just sang A Promise That I'll Keep and then I just froze." One of their dad's favorite songs. Their father's were singers and transferred their love for music to their adopted daughters who loved it like them and used it to ground themselves when their thoughts were too hectic.

Piper grabbed the guitar and played her song Panic Room her words flowing like honey slow and sweet. As the song continues Brooklynn layed her head on her sister's shoulder this was the calmest she has ever seen Piper. The older girl was usually closed off only talking to Brooklynn when they were first adopted.

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