"Ok then, as long as Trish is in easy access and helps keep ahead of Ava's pain. She knows what she's doin'."

Beau chuckled again, "She's deliberately stayin' far enough away that the girls can't see where she set up her idea of a camp. If we need her, she's just a few minutes away and if it gets too bad for Ava, she'll ride in the Land Rover like it or not."

"Uh huh." Rowdy added skeptically, glad Beau couldn't see the wide grin on his face.

"I should be back at the ranch when you guys get back. The hospital is sending their chopper out for these guys tomorrow. I'm keeping them all on IV antibiotics to ward off infection. There's been no sign of it yet and so far, Small Bear is holding his own, but you know how fast infection can take hold with animal bites."

"That's great. Sooo, what kind of prognosis does he have? Any guesses?" Beau asked, almost afraid of the answer.

"Well, that arm won't be the same. I expect he'll have decent use of it, but not like before. I think that his good sense in not tryin' ta pull his arm away went a long ways in saving a lot a problems."

The former bull rider looked toward the sky and silently gave thanks.

"I'm glad ta hear it, Rowdy. Real glad. Thank God it wasn't his right arm."

"Yeah. That's a big somethin' to be grateful for.  Pop, Bobbi an' I have talked some about that. The miracles just keep happenin'.  With all the bad that happened, there are still blessings and that's a big one. He'll be keepin' his good arm barrin' unforseen problems. Not sure yet how it might affect his job though."

"Well, if that becomes an issue, he'll always have one here, That's for sure. Thank God we didn't lose any of our people. How's Topper doing? They're keeping him sedated. The surgery went well. It'll be a rough recovery. "

"I imagine. Hmm. Maybe now would be a good time for him to start the plans for that Paleontology camp he's been askin' about. And we might as well get a church built, he could take over as minister. Several of the hands have spoke about gettin' their families into church, but they're all so far away."

"That's a great idea Beau, it would benefit so many people!" Rowdy exclaimed.

"The Good Lord was sure lookin' out for us, it's time we made Him more welcome." Beau answered.

"Da-a-ad!" The girls called in unison.

Rowdy chuckled, "I think yer bein' paged, Bro. They're probably afraid we're cookin' up a way ta send 'em back."

Beau joined him in the laughter, thankful to have something to laugh about.

The conversation over, he slipped the phone back in his pocket. The rest of the evening past pleasantly around the campfire. Several of the hands had gone hunting and came back with rabbits and game hens. While they were being cooked over the open fire, Trish had arrived and put the camper stove and oven to use. They had a meal of roast rabbit and game hens, baked potatoes, mac 'n cheese, green beans and brownies for dessert.

Everyone savored the meal, the company, and the knowledge that Tap was receiving the best of care and would soon be home. One of the hands had taken the Land Rover and delivered a meal to the hands who watched over the herd.

As everyone was settling down for the night, Beau got out his guitar from the camper and began to strum softly.

"Da-a-d-d-y?" Ava asked. "Do you remember when we camped out that night after you adopted me?"

Remember? He would never forget. It was one of the happiest days of his life. He smiled as he strummed.

"I remember, Tadpole. It was a good night." He smiled and winked at her.

"That night, you sang that song. That one that I like so much, you remember? Sing it for us tonight. I don't think Kaylee's ever heard you sing it before and you do it way better than those famous guys."

Brett chuckled and lifted his boots off the ground and studied them.

"You think it's gettin' a little deep around here, bro?"

"Don't think there's any think to it." He grinned and looked at his daughter under raised eyebrows.

"It's true! I love that song and the way you sing it, is awesome. And it's a cattle herding, camp out kinda song, please."

Several of the hands who had been listening to the conversation winked at each other and added,


Beau gave his men a good glare. They just laughed. 'Well, that didn't work out quite as planned.'

They all knew he could sing, and all agreed that he could have gone pro had he put his mind to it.

"Alright, but I'll need background."

The men agreed. Happy with that little victory Beau began to yodel softly as he strummed the guitar and sang in his deep baritone voice about the cattle lowin', jinglin' spurs and a lonesome cattle call.

"Oh, wow! That was awesome, dad!" Kaylee praised starry eyed.

"Sing it again....please."

"Please." Ava begged.

The two brothers smiled at each other. Feeling contented and thankful, he sang the song again softer and softer. By the last verse he was singing to his beautiful, happy, sleeping daughters. He continued strumming his guitar and humming the song as several of the hands joined softly. They too enjoyed hearing their boss sing the old campfire songs that fit his voice and him so perfectly.

They all agreed that he and Rowdy were keeping the wonderful life of the cowboy alive and well and they couldn't be happier.

My Rowdy Cowboy.  (3B Ranch Series) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now