Part 2

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Camilos POV
I'd smiled "so Alex wanna go and sit in my bedroom?" I'd asked "yeah" Alex replied and we went back to casita and went straight to my room,Alex was clinging to me and I'd kissed him lovingly and he kissed me back,I'd pulled away and sat on my bed

Alex's POV
I'd sat next to camilo "So when are you telling your family we are dating? I asked "In a few hours,let's cuddle" Camilo said,i giggled and laid down and pulled Camilo down and cuddled him i slowly started falling asleep

Camilos POV
I'd stayed awake while Alex slept,I'd looked at him while he slept and cuddled him back he was adorable,I'm glad i have him nobody else is aloud him,I'd saw my door handle turning I'd breathe

Mirabels POV
I was told off of tía pepa to go and get Camilo,I went upto his room and started to open the door,I looked in to see Camilo and another boy cuddling in Camilos bed "Camilo tía pepa wants you" i said quietly making sure not to awaken Camilos 'friend' "Oh,Tell her I'll be there soon" camilo replied and i nodded,leaving Camilos room

Camilos POV
I didn't want to awaken Alex but i needed to "Alex,Darling you have to wake up" I'd whispered in his ear "Ngh" is what i got in reply then a few minutes later i heard mamá yelling for me,Alex still didn't wake up so i tried again "Alex,Darling wake up my mamá needs me" i said,He finally woke up "Sorry.." Alex sat up and i got up and went over to my door,Before leaving a blew a kiss to Alex and went down to my mamá and papí "Sorry mamá,Papí" i apologised

Pepas POV
"Why did you take for ages!" I shouted,a cloud appearing above my head "Sorry mamá-" Camilo got cut off by Mirabel "He has a boyfriend and he's In Camilos bed" Mirabel said "You what! Why didn't you say" i said "Sorry mamá..." Camilo said

A few hours later

Alex's POV
I've been waiting for a few hours waiting for Camilo to finish his chores,i heard laughing downstairs but i didn't want to check it out in case i get Camilo into trouble,i heard moving in the walls and surely enough there was a hole behind a painting in Camilos room so i entered the walls and saw a figure "H-Hello?" I said scaredly "Who are you?" The figure said "i-I'm alex..Camilos boyfriend." I said "So the kids gay,figured I'm Bruno madrigal" Bruno said "Ah your Camilos tío,but why are you living in the walls?" I asked "i left to protect the family from my visions" Bruno said,I understood quite well "Im gonna go,I wanna see Camilo" i said,Bruno replied with "okay" and i left the walls and sat in Camilos room and he still wasn't there,I got upset and left through the window in Camilos room and went home

Camilos POV
I went out with some friends all the age of 18-19 there was only one that was 16 his name was leo,I liked hanging out with them all i saw alex leaving my room from my window i completely forgot to tell him.I tried to go say sorry to him when i felt a hand around my waist and another pair of lips on mine,it was Leo i immediately pushed him away "What the heck man!" I yelled "What" leo said calmly,i saw alex crying and i ran over to him and hugged him immediately "Alex im sorry he kissed me i swear!" I yelled out "I-it's okay.." Alex whispered out,i kissed him softly and he kissed back i pulled away and picked him up,He was easy to lift while I'm not shape shifting and i took him back to my room and kissed him again as he kissed me back.

Alex's POV
I'd pulled away and hugged him,Camilo placed me on his bed and he'd went to get his tías famous arepa con queso's for us both,i looked about his room although his room was fit to match his gift it was quite normal just with more mirrors,Id saw tons of pictures mostly of him and his family I'd see one with me and Camilo in it i smiled as a red love heart was drawn on my face,You were still able to see my Face.i placed the photo frame down and continued looking around but suddenly a little boy,around five years old burst in. "Where is Camilo?" The young boy asked "he was in the kitchen last i knew of" i replied,recognising the young boy as Camilos younger brother,Antonio madrigal he ran off after saying thank you,I'd lay on Camilos bed not knowing what to do then Camilo came in with arepa con quesos.

Sorry these aren't that good Im just really not having any inspiration as my friend that i role played this with on discord got bored of it so i might make one more part to this

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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