"Alright, alright, you win. We're going there later. What about Sizhui?" Yibo.

"Leave him with our mate. He is still sleeping. It's not good to bring him with us", Zhan.

"But we never leave him at home alone. Can he behave well?", Yibo.

As soon as he said that, he can heard Sizhui calling his mom. "Speaking of that devil, he is up now. We need to count him as well, I guess", Yibo. Yibo stand and going to get the baby food for Sizhui while Zhan going to get Sizhui. Luckily, Zhan almost finish eating his breakfast. He continue eating while feeding Sizhui.

*Two hours later*
**In Hospital**

"Congratulation, Mrs Wang. You're pregnant again. Your fetus is 2 months old", Dr. The doctor is the same doctor that in charge of Zhan's pregnancy before. Zhan and Yibo was happy and very excited when they heard the news. "Make sure to do your regular check-up later. You can go now", she added.

"Don't you think it's better to tell our parents about this?", Yibo ask after they're out from the examination room. Zhan nodded and agreed to the idea. Yibo text both of their moms and tells them about it. Their parents congratulated them and told Zhan to rest and they gonna pay a visit later.

"Husband, can we stop by the bakery first? I wanna tell Song Lan as well. Then, I want to eat red velvet cheese cake. Can we?", Zhan.

"Sure, baby. Anything for you", Yibo.

*7 months later*
**In Maternal Wad**

Zhan gave birth to a cute baby boy two days ago. Zhan is breastfeeding him right now. For a normal people, they can discharge after one to two days but since Zhan is unique, he need to be in hospital for four days. His male body is build to carry a child but he can't deliver it as easy as normal women. So, his body is very weak after delivered. That happened last time too.

"Baby, have you thought about our son's name?", Yibo.

"Not yet, have you?", Zhan.

"I've been thinking of Wang Yuan, is it a good name?", Yibo.

Zhan look at his baby and said to him. "Mmm... Baby, from now on, your name is going to be Wang Yuan. Are you happy, a-Yuan? Papa gives your name".

10 minutes later, a-Yuan has been placed back into his crib. He planned to take a nap for a while but Sizhui come in with Yibo's parents.

"Mama! I wanna see didi. Can I, mama?", Sizhui.

"Yes, you can see your didi", Zhan. He look at Yibo and said, "Husband, can you take a-Yuan for me? Let Sizhui play with him over there (on the couch)". Yibo nodded and take a-Yuan out from the crib.

"a-Yuan? You guys named him already?", Mommy.

"Yes, mommy. Just now", Yibo answers while walking to a nearby couch. He then called Sizhui to sit beside him.

"Didi name a-Yuan?", Sizhui.

"Didi's name is Yuan, Wang Yuan. Do you love Didi?", Yibo.

"Yes, didi cute. He is small", Sizhui.

"Sizhui is a gege now, you can't be clingy and spoiled to mama like before, okay?", Yibo.

"Mama don't play with Sizhui? Mama don't love Sizhui?", Sizhui.

"No, mama love Sizhui. Mama love all of us but mama is tired. He need to take care of two sons now. You need to help mama, don't make mama tired. Got it?", Yibo.

"Ermm, Sizhui is a good boy. Sizhui help mama, mama get home soon", Sizhui.

"Good boy. Sizhui must be a good gege and listen to mama. Mama can go home tomorrow, let mama rest now", Yibo.

Sizhui go to Zhan's bed and talk to him. "Mama will get home tomorrow? Sizhui is good boy, Sizhui help mama. Mama love Sizhui?".

Zhan didn't understand what is Sizhui talking about because he is too sleepy and half asleep, but he still manage to answered Sizhui's question, "Yes, mama love Sizhui".


[Sorry for the lame ending. I need to finish it quickly due to my tight schedule. But I manage to make a bonus chapters. I hope it's good enough for you.
Take this bonus picture first. Imagine it as Sizhui and Yuan]

 Imagine it as Sizhui and Yuan]

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