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I went with one of my friends to the Concert from Aidan... Yes I'm going to the concert from Aidan Ryan Gallagher tonight and I'm very excited about it.

Al(Alina your friend):Omg okay Y/n I'll tell you for what our tickets are, we're going to meet Aidan before the concert so that's in 5 minutes and then we are going to watch your crush singing.

Y:Wait I'll see him and have a meet and greet with him in 5 minutes.

Al:Yes now let's go in.

*in the concert room there stands Aidan... Well he's smaller than you thought but he's still taller than you

Al:After her it's your turn

Aidans POV:

I'm very excited for tonight...I can see my fans again and a few can talk with me right now...but...when a wonderful girl with her friend I think came in the room I was.. in my thoughts. Don't judge me I love all of my beautiful fans but she... I felt butterflies in my stomach

A:Okay thanks for coming here

?:I'm still shocked

A:It's alright I'm a normal human like you *hugs her

?:Thank you

A:No problem

Your POV:

Omg now it's my turn...



A:*hugs you*How are you two

Y:I'm very good, thank you

Al:I'm good too

A:Okay what's your name


A:Wow you guys have all beautiful names


A:Yes mom?

L:I'm going for a few minutes okay

A:Of course take your time. So back to you two *writes on his autograph cards your name and his autograph*

A:Okay and what's your name?


A:Beautiful name as well *does the same on the card yk*

Al:Can Y/n and I take a picture with you?

A:Sure of course, who wants first?

Y:Can I?

Al:Sure*chuckles and takes the picture

A:*wraps one arm around your waist and then puts a piece of paper in your pocket on the jeans*

Y:Uhm? *gets butterflies

A:Look at it later *whispers

Al:Y/n, do you take one now

Y:Sure*takes a picture of Alina and Aidan

A:Okay it was lovely to meet you two, see you later on the concert

Y+Al:See you!

I'll make a little story about this I think, after it I'll make a nicky imagine because I missed to do one with him

Lovely little Imagines from Nicky🐻, Five☕and Aidan🎸❤️Where stories live. Discover now