He re-joined their table, wishing he didn't have to when he saw the smiling faces. They seemed so fucking happy and he didn't want to be. Not when she wasn't there.

Jade was the only female they had invited, being the only woman in Small Heath Finn would actually call a friend. The same went for Bonnie and Isaiah.
Finn had grown up with Jade therefore; a sense of ease and comfort came with her presence much like that with Isaiah. He liked her company. She was quick witted and took no shit, from anyone especially her brother. And she reminded him of Ailbhe.

"To Bonnie" Finn joined in the toast, raising his glass to toast his friend's health.

Their four glasses clinked in the centre of the table and Jade pressed a kiss to Bonnie's pale cheek that blushed pink for a few long minutes after. Isaiah seemed oblivious but Finn knew the look of a man enamoured well enough to recognise it instantly.

You're fucked Bonnie. She will eat you alive.

Quiet, unassuming Bonnie was in love with the woman who had once told Finn she would sooner cut her hair off than admit she loved a man more than he loved her.

Finn had zoned out, moments later cracking open the next bottle of whiskey and eager to drink himself into oblivion when he heard a name that almost made the bottle slip out of his grip and smash to the floor.

"What did you say?"

Jade looked back at him, unsurprised by his sudden interest.

"I was saying that Ailbhe phoned this evening, just before Tommy and I locked up"

She had phoned. She was in New York. She had a telephone. Why hadn't she phoned him? Why had nobody told him?

"She's fine. Michael sent a car for her. She's meeting him tomorrow but she said she'll stay at a hotel until she finds somewhere to live more permanently"

Finn didn't like the sound of it. He hated it. Permanently. As if she was settling down there. He didn't want to think about how long it would last.

"Was she okay? Did she sound alright?"

Dammit Finn, your obsession is showing.

Jade's golden eyes softened in pity, not that Finn wanted it. He didn't want any of their pity.

"She sounded fine, she'll be fine, Finn"

He was sure she was trying to be reassuring but the idea that she would be fine without him was torture. He wasn't going to be fine without her and he knew it already.

He lifted the glass to his lips, finding he had to wrench his jaw open to tip the liquid in. He hadn't realised his jaw was clenched so hard. He'd break his teeth if he wasn't careful.

Jade kept the conversation moving, away from talk of Ailbhe and what had happened. Most of the family weren't privy to why she had been sent away, especially those present. They had been told Michael needed to be kept an eye on and when Isaiah had asked why Finn didn't go with her and Finn had glared at him with a look that was sure to burn his perfect face, he didn't ask again. None of them did.

Jade told them what it was like to work for Tommy.

Isaiah poured more drinks and made eyes at the pretty blonde at the next table.

Bonnie laughed when Jade did and he added to stories that Isaiah told.

Finn drank.

He fidgeted with the ring on his thumb.

He thought about how Ailbhe would always get restless from sitting still and she would play with his hair or his fingers in hers.

He drank more.

Crown of a Prince (Finn Shelby)Where stories live. Discover now