About Pazamír

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(Pazamír) According to legend, Pazamír was reborn from the ashes of a world destroyed by an ancient tyrant maddened by a lust for Saphére, a beautiful purple jewel he'd first discovered when raiding a tomb, which was found deep beneath the surface. The tyrant enslaved the country and had them mine for Saphére. The tyrant made a crown out of the jewlel and declared himself ruler of everything. Just then, the world began cracking and spitting out lava. It is believed that the king hid with his crown underground as the world above burned.
The survivors, in order to avoid that sort of tyrany occurring again, created clans so that if a tyrant emerged, the rest of the clans could fight back. At the beginning, there were fifteen clans, but after nearly two centuries of conflict, only nine remained. The survivors split Pazamír into fifteen and went their different ways to rebuild their world.

(Lazarus) Home of one of the three oldest clans in the country, the Lazars, Lazarus holds the great Goldbark Trees and their strong but beautiful sap. In Year 186, William Lazar is crowned lord after his father dies when Goldbark sap was put in his wine. In Year 189, William and Lily Lazar have their first child. They name him Winston, after the lord's father.

(Murza) The city of brutes, as it's called, Murza, is the oldest clan in the country and has survived by it's barbaric strength. When the lord's eldest son comes of age, he must fight his father in a life or death battle. In Year 170, Zorrig killed his father in one swift blow to the neck. He was named Zorrig the Grey because when he walked to take his crown, there was no remorse in his grey eyes. He had eight sons, his wife dying giving birth to the last. He then married Mary Redden of Stagford who had one son before leaving him. He named his last son Olivier, who grew up to be a lot like his father. He was, however, unlike his brothers, very skinny, so Zorrig paid him little attention. When he was eight, Olivier's family rode south to Zandaria to visit the forests. He slipped away and bought several tomes from a fire mage. Four years later, he could conjure most of the known flame spells. Because he was mostly ignored by his father due to his size, he knew he could impress his father by proving his mettle. He conjured a fireball and killed all eight of his brothers. After that, Zorrig decided that Olivier would be a talented debt collector. Olivier was ill tempered and liked to burn anyone who didn't pay what they owed.

(Stagford) Stagford is the youngest in the trident of oldest cities in the country, but by far the richest and the largest. Miles and miles of genuine gold mines lie underneath Stagford, contributing to it's great wealth. The lordship of Stagford goes to whoever have the most gold, and the houses of Stagford spent generations trying to earn enough gold to seize power. In year 173, John Redden paid Murza thugs to intimidate te richest houses in the city and won lordship. He despises children and has outlawed having more than one child in his city. His younger sister, Mary, had twins and fled the city in Year 205.

(Fortus) Rock is everything in the city of stone, home of the clan Fortus. Since their beginning, Fortus have mined in an area lacking ores and gems and made most everything out of the rock. They keep fortified walls with hundreds of guards posted and rarely allow outsiders to enter. Peter Strom, whose family was banished when he was a child, took control of Fortus by digging for fifteen years into the rock and emerging inside the lord's bedroom. He was crowned lord in Year 191, aged thirty seven.

(Regus) This clan was named after its first leader, Samuel Regel, who brought religion to the country. Regus is far north, in the mountains, where Samuel found ancient stones holding the spirits of the dead. They told him about their gods and he began preaching south. Before long, hundreds of people visited the stones up north, to find that the spirits had ascended. Even though there were some who were unconvinced, by Year 159, most of Pazamír believed in the Regel Gods as they were promptly named. A preacher, Vincent Regus, as he named himself, was crowned archbishop after spending a year traveling the country speaking about the Regel Gods. As archbishop, Vincent had power equal to a lord. He continued preaching in Regus until his death in Year 201. After that, the people of Regus decided not to appoint another archbishop and convene a council to rule the clan.

(Zandaria) Zandaria was founded by Thomas Regel, who went as far south as he could after an argument with his brother. His firstborn, Zandar, found a strange symbol in a cave hidden under the shrubbery. When he touched it, the entire cave was engulfed in flames, starting a forest fire. Several days later, when investigating the ash and looking for his son, Thomas Regel found the cave. He began to study the symbol and eventually learned to wield the flames. Once he realized it was his sons exploring that had found this great magic and died for it, Thomas named his land Zandaria, and himself Thomas Zandar. Over the course of time, the people of Zandaria found more runes and in Year 132, they hosted a tournament to find a mage talented enough to crown archmage after the last of the Zandars died. They continued to hold the tournament every decade until in Year 202, the winner, Michael Lazar, outlawed the tournament. They named the archmage Michael the Talented Unjust Archmage.

(Phamrüs) This clan is famous for its farms, as the capital is little more than a hamlet, and most of the crops are traded in the neighbouring city belonging to the Jodas clan. This clan is unfortified and, if it was to be raided, the possibility of Pazamír starving is great. Not much is known about this clan's origins as its people are simple and don't care much for books.

(Jodas) The people of Jodas pride theirselves in their prime intelligence, for good reason. Their libraries are the biggest in all of Pasamír and most all of the scholar's of the country learn at the college there. They also have one of the biggest markets of the country due to the crops that they buy from the Phamrüs and sell in bunches to the cities of Pazamír. Their leader is the archscholar, who is chosen by the previous leader before their death. In Year 195, Simon Thomson read the archscholar a book he'd written and the archscholar decided that Simon would be his heir. Three days later, the archscholar died of an unknown sickness.

The Darus hold tournaments for sports of all kinds and are known for the talented athletes that came from the clan. They have a huge arena full of boiling water, heated by Zandarian mages, full of challenging obstacles. When a challenger wants to become the champion of Darus and rule the clan, they have to complete the course faster than the current champion. In year 199, Toby Darbus, from one of the oldest families in Darus, finished the course in less than a minute, and became the campion. At the end, a Jodas scholar declared Toby had ran faster than anybody else had before him. After hearing that, the previous champion jumped into the boiling water, dying within a few seconds.

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