Telling the Sisters P3

Start from the beginning

Within a flash, Karen jumped over the counter causing all her sisters to scream and Drew to jump back in the couch after what he just saw within an instance, Karen had her hands wrapped tightly around, Dorinda's throat. "BITCH TAKE IT BACK!" Karen hollered at her and Jacky and Twinkie tried to pry her hands off of Dorinda's throat as Karen was trying to choke her to death while her sisters were screaming at her to stop. "KAREN!" Drew yelled at his wife coming over to the kitchen to finally break up the damn fight that's been going on for too long. When they couldn't get Karen off of Dorinda they stepped back and let, Drew handle his business.

"KAREN GET OFF YOUR GOT DAMN SISTER!" Drew yelled at her getting Karen off of her in a second as he lifted her up off of her she popped him so, hard it made the noise. Karen had not one care in the world. "THAT IS YOUR SISTER KAREN!" Drew yelled at her to try too make her stop. But when she didn't stop he just picked her up, Karen kicking and screaming. "Got DAMN IT!" Drew hollered carrying by the waist. He knew then she was having an episode before she had even jumped over the counter which was why he moved out the way.

The sisters didn't miss when he had just cussed at Karen they were too in shock to even say anything to him because Karen really made this man get out of character not only like that the sisters were kind of surprised to see how strong Drew actually was of course they saw him pick Karen up before but in an appropriate manner but this was something different. As Karen had kicked her leg on the side of the counter trying to stop him from carrying her by her waist but that didn't phrase him.

Drew held her tighter trying not to let her get out of his grasp knowing things might go. But things still went from worse to worser when he did that. "LET ME THE FUCK GO, LET ME FUCKING GO WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Karen screamed from the top of her lungs and her sisters knew then she wasn't lying about not remembering anything when she would fight them for no reason.

"GET YO ASS IN THAT ROOM TO COOL DOWN!" Drew yelled at her and the sisters were shocked to even see him cuss her right back out. They were even shocked to see that his voice had more bass to it then too.

"I PROMISE YOU I'M HANDLE THAT ASS LATER!" They heard, Drew hollered at her when he went all the way into the room closing the door behind him. The sisters listened as he was having it out with his wife and they were surprised to hear, Karen cussing him back out even more then what she did before.

"WOMAN IF YOU DONT CALM THE HELL DOWN?!" Drew yelled at her and Karen stopped for a moment as if Drew forgot who he was talking too.

"Ohhhh I see you FORGOT WHO YOU WERE FUCKING TALKING TO DREW BUT YOU CANT HANDLE THIS BECAUSE YOU'RE MY BITCHH SO EASILY YOU FORGET, BITCHHH BOY!" Karen hollered rolling her eyes as she looked him up and down. And Drew sighed rubbing his temples.

"STOP BEFORE I BREAK YO LEGS IN BED!" Drew yelled at her as the sisters placed their hand over their chest in shock. "The hell they be doin'?" Dorinda asked as she turned to Jacky while Dorinda was still trying to catch her breath.


Karen just yelled at him while cussing him out all at the same time while she was still cussing her sisters out. "LET ME OUT THIS DAMN ROOM!" Karen yelled at him banging on the door from the inside as he hell onto the door knob so she won't try to break it down.

"YOU A WHOLE LOTTA DAMN WORK YOU KNOW THAT KAREN?!" Drew yelled at her but Karen did not seem to care as he opened back up the door to talk to her face to face. "I don't give a FUCK BITCHH BOY!" Karen yelled at him getting in his face even though she was short doing it.

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