The night of 2013

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1996 - 6th Year Hogwarts

"Harry is now under the impression Draco Malfoy is now a Death Eater," Hermione said to Ron in the train compartment. She hoped desperately that her voice was convincing enough for the both Harry and Ron.

Hermione had to keep his secret safe with her. It was too dangerous. They would send him to Azkaban or kill him. She couldn't let that happen. "Well, what else was he doing there then? He and Narcissa didn't go for a little furniture shop, that's for sure, Hermione," said Harry sternly. Panic was starting to creep through her body and her skin grew hot.

He knows!

"Leave it, Harry."

"No. I won't leave it. He's a death eater now. He's one of them," Harry sat upright and looked at Hermione with a closed expression, "whatever he is going to do, we can stop him. Hermione, you are usually the logical one - so look at it with logic! He went there to get the mark and we have to stop him." Her palms were sweaty.

"He's right 'Mione. Malfuck joined the dark side now. Probably took the mark with a smile on his face," it was the first thing Ron had said to the situation. Hermione gave a sigh, "I don't believe it." With that she stood and walked out of the compartment, leaving the two boys in the compartment alone.

She went to use the loo and changed into her robes. Hermione tried to calm her pulse down and push all her thoughts to the very back of her mind. A headache was pulsing behind her eyes. When she looked into the mirror, she gasped slightly. Her eyes were red and puffy. Her cheeks were wet. When did she cry? And did the train stop moving?

She went outside and saw that the train had indeed stopped moving. They were back at Hogwarts. She let out a shaky breath before she went back to the compartment to gather her things. Once outside of the train she went up to the castle alone. Everyone seemed to be already inside.

She thought.

"Draco," she breathed out when she saw him walking the path up. He stopped, stiffed, and turned, "Granger," his voice was low and almost just a breath. She walked up to him and swung her arms around him. He let his things fall to the ground and pulled her even closer. She missed his embrace, missed how her body reacted to his touch, missed how they fit together so perfectly.

"Why were you crying?" he asked when he pulled away to look at her. She saw the concern in his eyes. Draco reached out with his hand and cupped her cheek, she leaned into his warm touch. "They saw you, saw you walking into Borgin and Burkes. They believe that you took the mark. Harry- Harry wants to stop you from doing something. I wanted him to leave it, told them that I didn't believe it..." tears started forming in her eyes again. All Draco did was hold her and keep his eyes on hers. "We should get to the castle, Granger." She nodded and they walked up, side by side in silence.

"Go to the feast, meet me at the astronomy tower at midnight," said Draco before taking the stairs leading down to the dungeons. Hermione did as she was told and went up to the great hall. Though she didn't enjoy the feast and barely touched her food. She missed the sorting ceremony and some students were already back in their common rooms or dorms. "Hermione, where were you? We looked for you," said Neville from next to her. Neville changed over the summer, he got taller and broader - some would say handsome. She smiled at him, "I lost something on the train and had to find it before coming up here." Neville nodded and continued talking to Dean and Seamus. She was alone with her mind again. For the first time, she looked around the table. Harry had a bloody nose and he was whispering things with Ron and Ginny. She could guess and be right about what they were whispering.

Astronomy Tower, 12:03 am

He was waiting for her.

"There you are, thought you wouldn't come," he said after pulling her in for a hug. Hermione didn't reply, she was so tired. They stood there for a couple of minutes until they sank to the floor together, arms around each other. "There will be war, won't it?" He didn't need to answer her. "I am scared," Hermione said into his chest and breathed in his scent.

The night of 2013 / Dramione Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant