☁Sundrop/Moondrop x Reader ☁

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Trigger Warnings: Little Swearing  

- This is an AU where Sun and Moon are two seperate animatronics


As Y/N walked through the doors of the daycare they noticed Moondrop sitting on top of the play structures while Sundrop was yelling at him. "MOON!!! YOU CAN'T HOG IT FOREVER!!!" Y/N quietly walked up behind Sundrop to get a better idea of what was going on. "YOU CAN'T STOP ME SUNSHINE BITCH!!!" Moon yelled in retaliation. "MOON! WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!!" Just as Sunny was going on about how Moon needed to watch his potty mouth you noticed Moon was holding on to something. As you look closer you noticed it was the blanket you made for the two. You thought it was sweet how much Moon liked your gift being as he didn't seem like he cared when you first gave it to them but, you knew you had to end the fight before it got outta hand. You looked up at Moon and yelled, " I MADE THAT FOR THE BOTH OF YOU YOU KNOW!" Sun turned around and immediately went in for a hug while Moon stayed put in a flustered shock. He slowly climbed down the play structure with the blanket around his shoulders. Once he got down he handed the blanket to Sun and mumbled an apology. Sun took the blanket and went up to the balcony that lead to Sun and Moon's bedroom. As Sun was putting the blanket away you walked up to Moondrop, who was looking away from you with a slight red tint to his face. "I thought you said my blanket was childish looking." you said with a shit eating grin. "Well, it came from you so, it makes it not childish." You laughed as Sunny came back down wrapping you into another hug. "I'm so glad you made it. The kids won't be here for another hour so, maybe we could do some arts and crafts?" You smiled and agreed to do arts and crafts with Sunny. As Sunny ran off go grab the supplies you walked over to Moondrop and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad you like my blanket. If you like you can join Sunny and I with arts and crafts but that is all up to you Moony" You walked over to the table where Sunny was sitting with the supplies leaving a flustered Moon standing in the middle of the daycare.  


Sorry if this was pretty bad. It my first story and I wanted to give you guys a look at my writing style for future stories. 

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