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introduction about aurelia:
aurelia is the more calm out of them all and shes usually positive. shes very optimistic and good at strategy. shes also usually the mom of the group. she tells people when to stop and very responsible.

i am 14 years old and have a little brother. my parents are out of town but today is my dad's big business meeting. I kept thinking about how I'll finish everything in time. Going to school, picking up my 11 year old brother, Daniel, and getting ready. Since my dad's on vacation and obviously didn't pack a suit, he also said to bring him one to the meeting. I started panicking at breakfast because I wanted for my dad's night to be perfect. Daniel started to notice. "what's wrong?" he asked. "oh its nothing, don't worry dan." i replied. I didn't want him to worry. He was only a year younger than me but so much more genuine. Although he was smarter and probably hotter too. Well, at least that's what my parents think. I was always kind of the underrated one in the family who never got noticed. Even though I was the one getting straight A's and never missing a single day of school.
I overheard my parents talking when I was 9. "He should go to gifted honey. I mean don't you think its better for him to be in Aureila's class? Maybe that would be better for all of us. 3rd grade is too easy for him." my mom told my dad over the dining table. "no. absolutely not. although aureila isnt at the same level as daniel, its too much pressure on him for him to be switching in the middle of the year. again."
Yeah so, I was the one talked about but not in a good way. Of course I was a little jealous. I never got as much attention as daniel. "AURIELA WE WILL BE LATE!!!" I heard daniel screaming from his room and only then did I realize that I have been zoned out at least 5 minutes and haven't even taken a bite of my food. I quickly got up and put on the first clothes I saw in my closet. I honestly didn't have a care in the world, even if it was pajamas. I sorta stopped caring about school as much. I have had a lot of other things going on. For a few straight seconds, I started thinking of all of the wrong things I have ever done and all of my problems. I sat on my bed and just cried. Then I snapped back to reality and decided that I didn't care whether or not I was perfect. I had to show that I was perfect. For my friends. My parents. My brother who looks up to me so much. Me and daniel definitely haven't been on good terms since he was 12 and i was 13. We drifted and stopped talking as much. I miss being close with my brother but I hope he still knows I love him.
I got dressed, grabbed my backpack, packed our food, and took a piece of chicken from my plate. Daniel was already waiting near the door so I made sure I was quick. Then I came up to him, and gave him a big hug. "you know i still love you, right dan?" i smugly looked at him. "of course, why wouldnt you?" he replied. "I dont know," I forced a laugh. As soon as I locked the front and back door of the house, I crawled into the driver's seat of my car, and daniel went to the seat next to me. Usually, mom drives us so the ride was a bit awkward but lucky for me, we only live 10 minutes away from the school. As soon as we got to school, I saw someone I expected least.

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