Inside the kitchen after Karen took her medicine she looked down at the sink in the water seeing a bit of her reflection in it as she thought back to seeing Deacon Roy. It made her mad as hell that he was still let back into the church and she was still to afraid too say anything because if she knew anything about church people it was gonna be a million one questions on why she didn't try to protect herself from being 'hurt' and 'how does she know it was him?' with ridiculous and hurtful questions like 'Were you two having an affair before it happened and he became obsessed with the fact of not being able to have her?

Gritting her teeth and forgetting where she was at for a second she screamed as she cracked the glass cup in her hand letting it fall to the floor. When her sisters heard her and some of the church members asked, "What was that?" Dorinda, Jacky, and Twinkie all went into the kitchen to check on her. "Karen what's wrong?" Twinkie asked coming up beside her baby sister to see the broken glass on the floor on the other side of her as her hand was bleeding. "Jacky we need the first aid kit." Twinkie said, And Dorinda started to pick up the glass. "Is everything alright in here?" One of the older members asked as they saw a Karen who was trying to keep it together with her hand over her face. "Everything's fine we got it." Dorinda said shooing them away from gossiping. But the person already saw that the First Lady's hand was bleeding. "First Lady you okay?" They asked again and another person peeked their head in seeing what happened.
They saw Jacky, wrapping up her hand that was bleeding about a second ago after she cleaned it.

"I'm fine." Karen said but then she started sniffling. She was not fine. She went over to where a chair was in front of the back wall on it sat down and put her hand over her face and started crying. Her sisters surrounded her with Dorinda being the main one up close to her. While Twinkie shut the door on the church member so they could have some privacy.
"Karen what's wrong?" Doe asked hugging her baby sister and the only thing Karen could do at the moment was cry. Karen didn't have the heart to tell them who was in the church with them. To them Deacon Roy was just a man who hurt her. But they didn't know how badly he had hurt her. But to Karen, Deacon Roy was the monster who took advantage of her.
So, she sat there crying until she could pull herself together but it wasn't working as she was starting to sob even louder.

And Dorinda knew for some reason that her baby sisters feelings were genuinely hurt and they had no idea why. "Did someone say something to you?" Dorinda asked her ready to fight whoever said something to her to make her cry like this because if they did it was uncalled for seeing that it was only her 4th time being back after the attack and after the first time all those years ago. And Karen shook her head no. "Did Big Mouth Tammy do anything to you?" Dorinda asked again just making sure for good measure cause Dorinda was getting ready to go beat her to a pulp if she did. And Karen just shook her head no as she continued to cry again.
Dorinda saw how Karen could barely talk or answer them and it broke her heart to see her sister going through so much pain especially when today was supposed to be about celebration.
"Come on, Karen." Dorinda said helping her baby sister up as the other sisters did the same helping her out of the kitchen and out of the fellowship hall.

Karen felt bad that her sisters were about to miss the fellowship on behalf of her but she couldn't help it. She tried telling them that she could handle being by herself but all that came out was more tears. While Jacky and Dorinda was caring for Karen, Twinkie went and told the Bishop that Karen wasn't going to be in attendance for the rest of the celebration she was going to be in his office seeing that she was struggling with adapting of being back which wasn't a complete lie but the church still didn't need to know as of yet. As Twinkie put it. She gave, Drew a soft pat on the back to let him know it was going to be okay and that they had their sisters back.

When they went into his office to shut the door watching her sit down in the chair that was in front of Drew's desk and Jacky locked it so no one would barge in she cried even harder. Twinkie just handed, Karen a whole box of tissues while Dorinda continued to hug her.
"I hate seeing her like this." Dorinda said as she was on the verge of tears while she was still hugging her and slightly rocking her. Karen was in so much pain that she couldn't even talk to tell her sisters what was wrong and when she tried to the crying made it worse.
"It's gonna be okay." Dorinda cooed to her baby sister and the rest of the sisters came in for a group hug with their hearts breaking and Dorinda started praying for her.
About 20 minutes later when all the crying stopped, Karen was exhausted with bags underneath her red eyes from all the crying. She just balled up in the chair and went to sleep until it was over.

When she did that the rest of her sisters looked at each other wondering if that's what Karen has go through at home. Wondering if Drew's not telling them does their baby sister cry herself to sleep?

To be continued...


What y'all think goin' on with our baby Karen?

Y'all think Karen was about to snap and kill Deacon Roy if Dorinda ain't get her?

How y'all think the sisters are feeling about Karen especially Dorinda?

Thoughts or comments?

Thanks for reading!

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