New Year's Eve || TASM!Peter Parker

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Tap. Tap. Tap.

You weren't sure if it was the whispered knocking you somehow heard or the slight shift of red and blue you spotted in the corner of your eyes, but either way, you found your attention being drawn away from your laptop screen to the bedroom window where a familiar culprit stood on the fire escape outside. Regardless of his identity being hidden behind his infamous mask, you could perfectly visualize the goofy smile he had pulling at his lips just by the way he seemed to perk up when noticing he had gained your attention at last. You could also make the assumption that he was silently begging you to provide him refuge from the cold, a gift he was most thankful for after long patrols on winter nights.

Removing yourself from the bed, you hurried to open the window, allowing your friend to finally slip inside where the room's warmth welcomed him with a wave of comfort compared to the chilled breeze of New York City's air. Even you shivered upon feeling the icy air which managed to seep inside after him before you could close the window again," what are you doing out so late? It's freezing."

"I've been out later in colder weather," he dusted off your worry which a shrug. By the time you turned around, he already had his mask off, allowing you to confirm that he did, in fact, wear that sideways smile of his that never failed to make your heart swell," besides, it's New Year's Eve. Everybody's out late."

"A lot of crime I'm guessing?" You scanned over his body with your eyes, a habit you had developed after the first few times your friend had showed up battered at your window. Such was usually the main reason he visited as his alter ego. Although you were no doctor, you could bandage him up better than he could himself not to mention your presence alone made him feel better after long nights of fighting villains. Surprisingly, he looked unscathed for once with no visible wounds at least.

"Not really. It looks like there's a lot of police out doing the work for me tonight," he answered happily while glancing around your room, taking note of the glowing laptop set aside on your bed. He felt a small amount of relief knowing he hadn't woken up even if he doubted he would've. He was certain you stayed up late most nights especially considering his frequent nightly visits," is your family home?"

"My mom already went to sleep, and you know my sister. She gets so absorbed in her games that she wouldn't notice an earthquake," it wasn't unusual for him to worry about your family's whereabouts since it wouldn't exactly look the best if your mother or sister entered your bedroom only to find you whispering to a half-naked Peter Parker dressed as Spiderman while you patched his wounds. Your mother would surely freak out, and your sister couldn't keep her mouth shut long enough to not tell everyone she knows who Spiderman is; neither situation would be good.

While his questions about your family never surprised you, his next question made you raise an eyebrow," do you have your coat?"

"My coat? Why?"

"I have something I want to show you and it's cold out."

"Peter, it's 11:30 at night and 8 degrees outside. Where would we even go this late?"

It wasn't that you didn't trust Peter nor were you against hanging out at the moment, after all, you were best friends and spend most of your time together already, but that was with Peter Parker, not Spiderman. Refusing to ever put your life in possible danger, the idea of anyone seeing you by Spiderman's side never sat well with Peter, therefore, he normally refused to even chance it. The only exception he made was to visit you after his patrols, but even that took a great deal of convincing after the first occurrence. All it took was one enemy or even the Daily Bugle to spot you together which would risk the wrong people discovering you were something special to the hero and as a hero, it was never a good idea to have someone openly special to you. Peter would never forgive himself if you gained so much as a scratch from someone trying to get to him. So, why was he going to risk it tonight?

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