Part One

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Hi everyone! Here is the translation, just like I promised. I hope you guys enjoy it :)


Any Given Weekend - Part One

"Do you have everything you need?"

Ceylin nodded her head watching as Ilgaz closed the trunk of his car. The lawyer had only packed a small suitcase and a handbag but considering it was only a three-day trip, it was unlikely she would need more than that.

After taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, Ceylin sat on the passenger's seat, meeting Ilgaz's gaze for the first time that morning when she turned toward him to fasten her seat belt. She hadn't realized that, up until now, she'd been avoiding looking directly at him.

The tension seemed to fill the air for long seconds until Ilgaz finally eased it with a half-smile as he turned the key in the ignition.

"It's a six-hour drive to Çesme. I can wake you up in a little while for us to grab a bite on the road if you want to sleep now," he suggested thoughtfully, noticing by her facial expression that she seemed exhausted. 

Ceylin had worked all night to be there early in the morning. Ilgaz felt a mixture of gratitude and guilt for putting her through that.

"That would be great," she agreed, knowing she could use a nap.

Ceylin leaned back against the comfortable seat before tilting her head toward the window, watching the cityscape outside slowly transition to a green, life-filled scenery as the sun rose higher in the sky, announcing the beginning of another spring morning.

The lawyer tried to relax and doze off. She was exhausted after a full night spent in front of her computer getting her work done ahead of schedule so she could be free on Friday. But it seemed that her resolve to sleep wasn't going to be enough as the events of the past few months kept replaying in her mind.

About four months ago, Ceylin's life had taken an entirely different turn when she was confronted with the difficult news that she'd lost her sister. She'd endured long days, painful discoveries, and changes she could have never foreseen.

The man who now drove beside her had been the foundation that had kept her grounded during the darkest period of her life. Ceylin knew she owed him a great deal for all the help and support Ilgaz had given her.

They had been through a lot together, and it hadn't taken long before their initial partnership had evolved into a much deeper connection.

Despite their mutual attraction, the emotional burden of the trauma they'd experienced had left them with very little room to explore the romantic feelings that had come up along the way.

It was true that, at times, they both had considered taking the next step in their relationship and becoming more than just friends but the universe had conspired to make sure it had never properly worked out. Eventually, they had taken this as confirmation of what Ceylin had suspected all along: they weren't right for each other.

Once her sister's case was solved and they were sure Inci's murderer was unable to harm anyone else, Ceylin had shifted her focus entirely to her career. That turbulence in her life had also served to distance the lawyer from her family, which hadn't turned out to be such a bad thing after all.  

Life was slowly getting back on track for Ceylin. Over the past two months, she had rented a small apartment near the courthouse and moved her office to a different location, finally getting rid of everything that reminded her of Engin.

Unfortunately, all those changes also meant that she saw Ilgaz less frequently now. They still met at work sometimes, and every now and then, they had lunch or coffee together. But there was no longer anything forcing them to spend several days—and sometimes nights—together.

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