We Don't Talk About Bruno...

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A.N. All right, first one-shot of this book! Let's go!

Synopsis: Takes place the morning after Bruno left and the morning after Mirabel didn't get her gift. The family finds out Bruno disappeared. How will they react?

And just so we're all clear on ages here, this takes place ten years before the movie.
Mirabel and Camilo are five, Luisa is 9, Isabela is 11 or 12 (I'm not really sure which one and many sources say that Isabela is in fact older than Luisa, so we're just going with it), Dolores is 11, and Antonio wasn't born yet. And the triplets are 40.

PS: The title was mainly for my own amusement- I thought it was funny-


            All had been going so well... until it wasn't... First, Alma asked her son, Bruno, to see into the future, worried about the miracle that was given to their family years ago. She didn't know the vision he had, but that same night, her granddaughter, Mirabel, didn't get her gift, like she was supposed to.

            Alma didn't know what was going on with the magic, but she knew it couldn't be good. She woke up the following morning, worried about the magic, as usual.

            She walked down to the kitchen, seeing her daughter, Julieta, making breakfast. "Morning, Mamá." Julieta greeted her mother upon seeing her enter the kitchen.

            "Morning, Julieta." Alma greeted back.

            Just then, Alma's other daughter, Pepa, walked into the room, storm cloud over her head.

            "Pepa, you have a cloud." Alma pointed out.

            "Sí, I know, Mamá! But last night was terrible! We were all there! We all saw what happened!" Pepa said.

            "I'm sure everything is fine. The magic is strong." Alma said, unsure if it was actually true.

            That's when Pepa's two children, Dolores and Camilo, walked into the kitchen with their father, Félix, Julieta's oldest two children, Isabela and Luisa, and their father, Agustín.

            At this point, everyone was in the kitchen except two people. Bruno and Mirabel.

            "Pepa, would you go wake your brother up?" Alma asked her daughter.

            "Sure, Mamá." Pepa said, a thundering cloud still hanging over her head.

            Pepa walked upstairs to Bruno's tower, but something was off. The door was no longer glowing. It had gone dark. This has never happened before. She cautiously knocked on the door and called, "Bruno!"

            Getting no response, Pepa turned the doorknob and entered the room, calling out again for her brother. She still got no response. Something was off. The room seemed empty and lifeless. Bruno was nowhere to be seen or heard. Normally, he would've been down by now.

            "Oh, this is just great!" Pepa said sarcastically.

            She walked back downstairs, the cloud over her head thundering more frequently.

            She re-entered the kitchen and said, frustrated, "I can't find him! I bet he knew that it was his fault that Mirabel didn't get a gift and ran away, leaving us to deal with it!"

            She jumped to conclusions a bit there, leaving Alma, Julieta, and basically anyone else, confused and concerned.

            Pepa hadn't even realized Mirabel was now in the kitchen as well when she said that until Mirabel whimpered slightly and hid behind Camilo.

            Julieta glared at Pepa, as Alma asked, "wait, what do you mean you can't find Bruno?"

            "Follow me." Pepa said, leading them up the stairs to Bruno's tower.

            They all saw the no longer glowing door and gasped.

            "Tío Bruno is missing...?" Mirabel's tiny voice asked as she stood next to Camilo.

            "Oh, Mirabel, we'll find him. It's okay." Julieta said, noticing how her youngest daughter was clearly worried about her tío.

            "Maybe it's best he's gone. You all know how he was." Pepa said. Despite how she acted, she was still worried about her brother, and hoped he was safe.

            "Pepa! How could you say such a thing?! He's our brother!" Julieta said, glaring at her sister.

            As those two started arguing, Mirabel slipped back into the nursery. She could feel tears brim the corners of her eyes and she let them fall.

            "Maybe this is my fault... because I didn't get a gift..." Mirabel said to herself.

            She didn't even realize Dolores and Camilo were right there in the doorway until Dolores said, "Mirabel, this isn't your fault."

            Camilo spoke up as well, "yeah, it isn't your fault you didn't get a gift."

            "And it isn't your fault Tío Bruno is gone." Dolores said.

            "I hope they find him..." Mirabel said worriedly.

            "I'm sure they won't stop looking until they find him. It'll be okay." Camilo said, walking up to his slightly younger cousin and hugging her.

            Little did the children know, Bruno wouldn't be back for another decade, but until then...

            We don't talk about Bruno...


A.N. I'm sorry if it's bad! I always find it hard to write my first one-shot of a fandom that I've never written for before- But I hope you all enjoyed!


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