Why are you here?

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After a good few undetectable expansion charms, they had settled into the cottage. Ollivander was being tended to by Fleur, while Griphook and the house elf were sleeping upstairs in a shared corner bedroom. Everyone else, however, had gathered in the spacious living room. Harry, in true Harry Potter fashion, was standing in the doorway, brooding. Hermione was leaning into his brother's side in a loveseat; she was exhausted and miserable, but had insisted on being there once she'd been tended to by Fleur. Luna and Dean were both sitting on the floor near the fire, seemingly relieved for the heat. Bill glanced around at them all. It was a miracle they had made it here in one piece. He couldn't even begin the obvious train of thought about where the money would come from to support them all because he was just so relieved. Even Dean, who he hardly knew, was important to his sister and quite a few people in the Order. Not to mention his worth in Dumbledore's Army as one of the founding members. Bill sat down on a small couch across from them all.

Fleur returned, sitting next to him, and Bill finally broke the silence: "So what the hell happened?" They all looked up from their various solemn conversations, glancing between each other in mild sheepishness. "Not that we're not happy to have any members of the resistance in our home," he amended, "but honestly. You come here, in the middle of the night with two half-dead magical creatures. Hermione looks as though she's been tortured and," he glanced at Luna and Dean, "you two and Ollivander look like you've been starving for months. I know not everything can or should be told, but I deserve some answers." He made eye contact with Ron, who opened and closed his mouth a few times before giving in. He looked to Hermione, "We can explain some." She looked apprehensive, "just make sure you avoid the-" "Yeah, yeah, I won't," he cut in. Ron looked back at Bill. "As you know, we - me, Harry, and Mione - have been going about some necessary business for Dumbledore." Bill nodded, noting the surprised looks of Luna and Dean. "Well, the snatchers got us and dragged us to Malfoy Manor." Bill's eyes widened. "Yeah. That's - or at least it was - their headquarters. I imagine would have moved it now. That's where we found the rest of them, minus Dobby." Bill held up a hand, "Dobby?" Ron nodded, "the house elf. Same one who kept driving Harry up the wall in second year." He nodded, remembering vaguely. "We kept in touch 'cause he went to work in the kitchens. Good thing too. We were all in the dungeon's while 'Mione was upstairs with - with," he looked to Hermione, who nodded and spoke. "Bellatrix." Fleur gasped and lifted her hand to her mouth beside him "She wanted information. We can't tell you what." She glanced back at Ron, motioning for him to continue. "Yeah, so anyway. That's when Dobby popped in. Someone must have sent him, not sure. We can ask him when he's up. We sent these three ahead and then he came back for the rest of us once we got Griphook and 'Mione from upstairs. That's about all I can say." Bill nodded, grateful and surprised that Ron was even willing to share that much. He looked to the two by the fire.

"What about you all? We heard on Potterwatch some about you, Dean," he nodded, "but not much." He waited expectantly. Luna spoke first, "I was helping Neville and your sister lead the DA before Christmas break when they pulled me off the train. I met Ollivander at Draco's house and Dean joined us a few months ago." Bill started in surprise. "The DA? They're resisting? How bad is it?" Luna looked up, as shocked as it was possible for Luna Lovegood to look. "Ginny didn't tell you? There are death eaters in the school. Alecto and Amycus Carrow. We've been trying to make their lives more difficult." Bill was mildly impressed. "Aren't they getting hurt? They can't be so stupid!" Luna, unperturbed by his tone, met his eyes serenely. "They don't much care about the torture. They're keeping hope alive." Bill opened his mouth indignantly,  but then closed it once her words registered. His face softened, and she smiled. "Alright then, how about you, Dean?" He looked up. "My dad died in the first war, but we don't have any documents to prove anything. I had to either go to Azkaban or on the run. That was back in July. I was alone for awhile but I ran into Ted and Dirk sometime around September or October when we were camping in the same forest. Then we joined up with Gornuk and Griphook a few weeks later. They were able to bypass out wards since they're goblins we agreed there was strength in numbers. It was pretty stagnant there for awhile until the taboo was put into place a few months ago. Dirk, Ted, and Gornuk managed to get away, but obviously the snatchers got me and Griphook." He looked down, seeming to be in his own head for a moment, "I wish I could contact them. They probably think I'm dead." Bill looked at him with something akin to sympathy, but he knew it would be useless to suggest anything. "Thank you all for the information. Ron, we will send a group of aurors to the Manor in case they haven't moved yet." Ron nodded. "Why don't you go get some rest. Once Ollivander is a bit better, we'll move you all to my Aunt Muriel's with everyone else. Luna, Hermione, you'll be sharing the first floor bedroom; it has a queen. Dean, do you mind sleeping on the pullout?" Dean nodded furiously, "Thanks so much!" "Ron, grab Harry and take the upstairs guest. I transfigured the dresser into an extra bed." Everyone affirmed their agreement and went to their sleeping areas.

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