Project GingerRose

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He's never been so happy for his best friend.

He's also never been so disgusted.

It's disgusting, really.

I mean, look at them.

Armitage Hux leans back in the chair, crossing his arms, watching his best friend and the brunette whisper and giggle at each other. She seriously cannot keep her hands off of him.

It's sickening.

He's never seen Ben like this. He's actually giggling . Hux never even knew Ben could laugh, much less giggle.

Well, that's not true. Ben used to laugh, years ago, before he disappeared.

He'd spent five years looking for Ben, pursuing leads and sightings. Begging Ben's parents to do more.

Then Ben showed back up, changed. He was angry, mean even. Hux took Ben in. After all, that's what friends do. That's what Ben had done for Hux, years ago, when he'd moved here from Ireland at 14 years old.

School in the states was rough. Being a tall, ginger headed, skinny kid with a weird accent, he was fresh pickings for bullies. He was traumatized from being moved from the beautiful coastal seacliffs of Ireland to New York City. He'd never even seen a skyscraper.

Ben was a quiet kid, not well liked himself. However he was strong and tough, like his old man. He'd intervened and rescued Hux from being jumped by five kids at once. They'd been together ever since. Neither one had siblings so they both longed for that brother relationship.

So, taking Ben in, it was simply returning the favor. However, dealing with his explosive temper almost killed their friendship. Hux had to be hard on Ben. He'd pushed him to apply for college. Not that Ben needed a degree. Ben had always been a talented writer. Hux just knew he needed something to focus on, since his anger prevented him from holding down a real job.

Fortunately, Ben rediscovered his love of writing. Upon completing his first completed story, he began searching for a publisher. After much coaxing, Ben was convinced to turn his works into a comic book series.

Enter Rey Johnson, accomplished artist and illustrator. The publishing company assigned her to his writings. Her ideas were amazing.

Well, Hux thought so anyways.

Ben? Well Ben was an altogether other matter.

He hated it. He hated her drawings and her ideas. He hated her. Ben so much as told Hux he hated her. 

Of course, Ben was watching Rey's ass bend over as he said it. Hux was completely convinced Ben hated her. 

Yeah, right. 

Hux would lock himself in his bedroom while the two screamed at each other in Ben's home office. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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