Birthday Surprise -Part 1

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I never imagined that on my 18th birthday, I would be deliciously fucked until I screamed.

******10 hrs Earlier******

I've been up since the crack of dawn staring at a Diamond Pendant from Jared's in its box that fell out of a large envelope and at the message that came along with it.

'Sorry I won't be able to make it, hun. I will be away on business. See you when I get back. I hope you like your gift. Happy Birthday. ~mom~'

I toss the card down with a sigh and lift the pendant out of the box to look at it.

I don't know why I set myself up for this type of disappointment. It's the third time she has copped out on seeing me for my birthday. It's been like this since she and my dad got divorced. She opted to take him for every dime he was worth after catching him fucking Cynthia his secretary.

Luckily, I was nowhere near their messy divorce, since I live at school. Yup, you guessed it. I'm the proud student of St. Catherine's all girls' boarding school. I've been here since sixth grade. I've since grown accustomed to the simple parental hang-ups and cop-outs. And they know it. So, as a consolation prize of guilt and feeling they can replace their affection with money, momma bear gifted me with a new necklace to go with the studs I got for my award ceremony last month. I should be jumping with joy right?


This means simply I will be in the tug of war again between the two of them.

I say this as I stare at example #2, Mother Superior handed to me last night.

My new American Express Black Card. Yes, you heard it right. I have the Black. (The key to exclusivity and prestige; I won't be able to use, since I'm in a boarding school) with my name on it.

How convenient! I say that with lifeless sarcasm and sadness.

'Go wild with it Princess...I will see you when I get back. Happy Birthday. I love you' ~Dad~

The slight knock on my door pulls me away from my thoughts as I look up and see Amanda, my roommate, poke her head through the door.

"Are we awake?"

"Barely," I respond placing my box on my nightstand as she comes over and plops face-first on my bed.

"How did your night go," I scoot back against my pillows.

"It was fucking hot and erotic," she mumbles and squeals as I slap her on her ass.

"You slept with her?" I squeak with excitement as she sits up and gives me her devilish look.

"Sleep?... Was not on our minds." She turns over on her back. "Oh my God! she was super sexy with massive tits and eats pussy like you wouldn't imagine. I swear I can still literally feel her tongue in me," she moans covering her face with my pillow.

My ears feel hot as I envision it all and begin to laugh. I sit and listen as she tells me all the juicy deets of her night. She has been flirting with this new student Jazmine for two months now. She is all she seemed to fantasize about since she met her in English lit. Being roommates with her is a wild ride and hearing about her sexual escapades is entertaining and intriguing to hear. Although we have been fooling around some since we have met, it's never been concrete what we feel for one another. We have an open platonic friendship that just geared towards physical affection in our time of need for sexual release. 

"So, what's your plans for the day?" she chirps tossing the pillow in my face.

It's what I would like to know. I haven't really thought about it. That's my dilemma. I know it's weird to not know what to do for your 18th birthday but I'm stuck in a boarding school with nowhere to go.

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