Chapter 2

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    "Kaiden," Jaime calls, but nothing happens as Kaiden doesn't respond.

    They're ambling at the sidewalk of the highway road to the apartment, where Kaiden's job is done for the week as it's Friday. The luna shines radiantly at a full moon, where clouds dazzle from the moonlight as it absorbs, blocking the audience's view towards the night sky, including the constellations formed from the evident stars. But still, nothing beats the most fabulous night, which happens like every evening as long Kaiden and Jaime have fun walking alongside the cooling breeze, getting against them for prevention from sweat.

    "Kaiden!" Jaime suddenly raises their voice to snap Kaiden from zoning out. They seem that he's bothered over an unknown thing yet from their point of view.

    Kaiden softly shakes his head, "Sorry, where were we?" He kindly asks them, puzzling.

    "You started zoning out right after we departed from the cafe. Is something bothering you?" Jaime's concerned with their worried eyes show up.

    "Uhm...Nothing." He hesitantly echoes with his eyes looking down to their cemented path as he thought it's not a big deal to talk about it.

    "Seems your nothing is bothering you. What is it?" Jaime's trying to force him out, but politely, merely because they wanted to help Kaiden along his path taken, which it's highly unpredictable. So they thought for at least that their advice and suggestions could help him as Jaime's only best friend.

    Kaiden smiles as they catch him hiding secrets. "Fine, there was this one strange customer with sunglasses who stood his face at me for a very long time." He naturally says what Jaime wants to hear.

    "Oh...." Jaime stuns as they didn't anticipate. "Don't you think that he's blind?" They assume right after they seriously thought about it for a few seconds.

    "I don't know." He gently replies, slowly realizing that Jaime has a point. "I have never thought of that actually, and it makes sense, though." He continues with a gentle nod of his wandered face.

    Jaime chuckles and then curves their mouth, "feeling better?" They ask him.

    Kaiden softly laughs, and he begins to feel relieved over a strange situation that they talked about. "Seems to be, thanks, Jaime." He then smiles back and gently picks up his Tumblr from the backpack.

    "My pleasure. Anyways, I wanted to share this with you. There is this famous boy who'll start schooling by next month, I guess." Jaime inserts an exciting topic.

    "And why he seems to be interesting?"

    "Because he's so magnificent at every aspect of his." Jaime exaggeratedly replies as both their eyes and mouth are wide open like a rented party clown.

    Kaiden intrigues with a raise of his eyebrow and says, "tell me about it." He then softly drinks his water from an open cap.

    "He's extremely good-looking. He's a piano virtuoso and a 4th time defending champion at an international piano competition." Jaime explains in a way that they wouldn't lie.

    A sudden spit of water comes out from Kaiden's mouth as he is flabbergasted from what he has heard about the boy they are talking to. "Sorry, I doubted him." He then wipes off his mouth with the hand towel from his pocket.

    "I can't believe you just underestimated him, Kaiden." Jaime slowly says, shaking his head from disappointment.

    "I thought a magnificent person wouldn't exist. I'm sorry." He explains with another forgiveness.

"It's okay, Kaiden." Jaime says. "Hey, what if you two collaborate since you played violin before." They continue with a suggestion. Jaime knew that Kaiden plays violin when they were at their childhood.

"Sorry, Jaime. His standards are way too high! Plus, I've never played my violin since my parents died." Kaiden explains without melancholy as he has already moved on with his parents.

"Sounds traumatizing. Sorry to hear that." Jaime replies, patting Kaiden's one back shoulder.

    "It's fine. Don't worry about it." He says, smiling. "Anyways, what is he look like?" He softly continues with a tight-lipped smile.

    "Wait, give me a sec," Jaime replies, browsing at Instagram as he tries finding his social media. "Finally, here. His name is Hero." Jaime happily lends out a phone, showing it to Kaiden with the photo of a person they are talking about.

    Unexpectedly, Kaiden's smile gradually fades while he stares longer, watching his photo.

    "Kaiden, what's wrong?" Jaime has noticed.

    "I don't know, but he seems familiar. Don't you think?" Kaiden feels unconfident from his words told.

    "Probably you just saw him on social media already." Jaime assumes.

    "But I rarely check my social media." He says unsurely, scratching his head. He then has this thought about that man from the cafe who wears all black with sunglasses since it matches the lips and the body type. "Wait, could it be you?" He whispers with his eyes getting narrow on the road.

    "What did you say?" Jaime leans closer and asks him, didn't get his last sentence.

    He suddenly eyes Jaime, "Uhm.... I said you are probably right." He says to them with a gentle nod. He didn't tell Jaime the truth since he's not sure about his thoughts, and he doesn't want to be blamed for having wrong assumptions. So he thinks that it's better to let it slide as if it's not that a big deal. "Oh great! We have just arrived." His mood changes when they reach the apartment.

    "Wait!" Jaime softly demands, pulling Kaiden's one arm with both hands. "Let's eat tokoyaki together first." Jaime points out a food stand selling street foods nearby the dormitory.

    "But didn't you just eat earlier at the cafe, did you?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

    "That was nothing since I skipped my afternoon snack." Jaime happily explains. "Come on, join me." Jaime then moves and pulls Kaiden towards the food stand.

    "Fine..." Kaiden agrees with them and smiles.

    After dinner, they head to the dormitory and go to their different dorms for one. "See you tomorrow, Kaiden." Jaime waves, looking at Kaiden with a smile before they proceed.

    "See you tomorrow." Kaiden waves back.

    As Kaiden has entered his dorm, he sighs and smiles when he realizes that he's alone again. He sees his room well-cleaned and aesthetically decorated right after he turned on the lights, and there, he started his daily night routine. After that, Kaiden looks at his study table and then reminds himself that he should be writing something instead of sleeping right ahead.

    "Well, where were we?" He sits at his study table and asks himself with his novel that he's currently writing while drying his damped hair with the bath towel.

    He starts writing from where he stopped yesterday. But unfortunately, he experiences mental blocks as he has no idea what to write next that involves romantic stuff right after he finished the introductory paragraph.

    "Hmph?" He hums in confusion and looks at his window because someone throws pebbles to the glass window. Gladly it didn't break as if the force wasn't that strong to hit the glass. Kaiden ambles closer to the window when he hears it again for the second time and opens it upward right after he gets there. He observes what's unusual beneath for a few seconds, but there's nothing: only a beautiful crescent moon shining afar with a strong wind buzzing all over as it's windy.

    Kaiden closes the window. Instead of getting back with his writing as he returns, he straightly shuts the lights off and gently jumps over the bed, thinking that he had enough as he calls it a night. There's nothing good if he'll stay and stuck for hours with a mental block with his writings.

Goodnight - Kaiden

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