"Mads, pumpkin, are you alright?" Magnus asked softly.

Once again instead of a response, both fathers had gotten the response of sniffling, they had gone to where their daughter was. Pulling the chair out, the two men saw their crying daughter. Maddie had curled up under the desk, her knees pulled close to her chest hearing the movement the young girl looked up at her parents, her once crystal blue eyes were blood red.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Alec says softly, guiding her out.

She hugged him, attaching herself to his waist while reaching out for her other father and without hesitation Magnus took her hand. Sitting in his chair, the slightly older Shadowhunter pulled his daughter into his lap.

"What's bugging you honey, you don't have to be scared to tell us" Magnus wiped her tears away.

"I'm a bastard creature!" She sobbed, burying her face into Alec's chest.

That had taken both men off guard and looked at each other. They knew some of the other Hunters could be cruel. But so cruel they would call an eight-year-old girl a bastard. That sure as hell was not about to sit with them, especially Alec.

"Munchkin, what are you talking about?" Magnus asked, once he got his voice back.

"I was going to go explore around and play when I heard two of the others talking," She sniffed, explaining.

"Do you remember who it was?" Alec asked. He sure as hell was going to get to the bottom of this. It had taken all of his physical strength not to go off on everyone minus Jace, Izzy and Clary.

Maddie wiped her eyes and shook her head. "They had only said I'm allowed here because of you. I'll never be a true Shadowhunter. All I am is a bastard creature"

That was enough to make both men go off but at that moment they hadn't, their little girl needed them but whoever had said that was going to wish they had never been born. They both hugged her.

"Don't listen to them little pea, they don't know what they're talking about. You're a true Shadowhunter as much as me, your Aunt Izzy, your grandparents, your Uncle Max and Uncle Jace. You come from a very long line of amazing Shadowhunters. You're half Shadowhunter and half Warlock, embrace that Mads because that's what makes you who you are. It's what makes you special" Alec explains to her softly.

"Your dad's right, never be ashamed of who you are little munchkin. Once you get the proper training you'll blow all the others away. You'll show them that no matter what you are. You will always be a part of both worlds. You'll be a top notch Shadowhunter and if one day a High Warlock"

"You really think so?" Maddie's red eyes glanced between her parents.

"We know so" They both assured her.

She hugged her parents and they hugged her, Maddie was tired. She almost always got tired after her fits; the two men laid her down in the office and covered her up. Once making sure their daughter was settled, now they were on a mission to find out who exactly made her cry.

Alec had called everyone in the Institute to the main room and when Jace, Izzy and Clary heard the tone of his voice. It was not up for discussion either. Izzy and Jace knew when Alec was pissed, not to mess with him and this had been one of those moments.

The main room was filled with the other Shadowhunters, Izzy, Jace and Clary all had glares on their faces. They had a feeling one of them had done something to upset Maddie and they were going to find out who and why. Standing at the top of the steps with Magnus by his side, both men had dark glares on their faces.

"Who were the Shadowhunters that called my daughter a bastard creature?" Alec spoke icy and dangerous.

Everyone in the room had gasped and began whispering, Izzy's eyes went wide hearing what her brother had said. Who in their right mind would call a child that? When nobody had spoken up it only angered Alec more.

"I said, who were the Shadowhunters that called my daughter a bastard creature?!"

Still no answer from the group, they had been deeply afraid of what would happen to them if they had. It had been making Magnus angier by the second. Nobody knew who to be more afraid of, Alec or Magnus. Physically, Alec would have the upper hand. Magnus, all he had to do was flick or wave his wrists.

"The next time our daughter gets called out of name, Shadowhunter or not, I'll burn them alive" Magnus said, with a deadly glare.

"There better not be a next time and if there is, I'll personally escort the person or persons involved to the Clave" Alec added with a harsh glare to the other Shadowhunters. "Everyone dismissed"

Everyone left leaving the couple alone, Magnus put a gentle hand on his husband's shoulder. The dark-haired Shadowhunter grabbed his husband's hand.

"Let's get our girl and go home" Magnus told him.

"After that, I need it. My mom will be bringing Max home tonight"

"Let's get going"

The couple had gone to get their daughter but Alec had made damn sure to get his point across. Nobody would ever get away with disrespecting his children, not as long as he or Magnus are around. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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