𝐗𝐈 ━━ The Assault

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THE SIGHING OF THE WAVES COULD BE HEARD, the hissing of reeds in the water, the cries of gulls, and the cries of soldiers, who, kicking, rushed towards Jack's crew. With trembling guts, the sailors prepared for the worst. The fight started through the glare of the screams of the men. From crab claws to human hands, the inquisitions differed.

Maccus, the man with the appearance of a shark, met Will and attacked him. Holding an axe, he competed against Will's slashing swords, the latter having gained experience from Jack's knowledge and teaching, although Will was already very skilled with a sword.

He made them, in the past, and therefore knew all the secrets. Surreptitiously, he trained with his creations, late at night, in his forge. A few crashes woke up the donkey that was staying there, and those were the moments Will remembered with candid nostalgia.

The two men fought fiercely, attempting feints and sneak attacks. As for Jack, he was running all over the place, looking for the safe. He was so used to battles that it became ambient sound for him, not a threat.

But, caught by the gong, Davy reached out with his pliers to grab hold of Jack's neck, nearly strangling him, but that was not the point. Why kill a prey that contains so much information? In truth, Jack had so many adventures and secrets that a lifetime would not suffice for his interrogation.

"Where's the key, Jackie'?" asked the octopus.

Jack smiled his best smile and didn't fail to answer.

"Oh! But I didn't steal anything from you!"

Indeed, surprisingly, Jack was trying to cover Will. He oscillated between throwing him to fly without wings, then catching him in his fall.

"False ! You took a lot from me."

"I bet of the people who took the most things from you, I'm not one the highest on the list."

The pirate looked at Davy Jones with a superior gaze.

"You know who I'm talking about, Jones."

Amidst the madness of the battle, the sailor frowned and a shiver of pain washed over him. As if immersed in a wave of memories, he returned to his youth, where everything was going well. Where he was loved.

Davy Jones, a twenty-year-old sailor was walking quietly when a downpour suddenly fell. He closed his eyes and felt a completely new sensation wash over him. It was as if the ocean and the water itself were taking over his physiological system. He had no more census.

Whispers tickled his ear, causing a wave of tremors up his spine. It was the voice of a woman, irresistible and terribly seductive.

"Davy Jones..."

The buccaneer looked around to make sure it wasn't a prank, or a woman trying to take advantage of him. But no. Nothing was on the horizon, except the latter's boat.

The months had passed where these low masses continued and, although he could not put a face to the woman, he fell in love with her. From morning to night, they talked, and he learned her true identity.

In ancient mythology and lore, Calypso was described as a pagan goddess, although she was also said to have mortal blood. Daughter of Atlas, she was a woman as changeable, harsh and indomitable as the sea.

As a goddess, Calypso could take many forms. Of Calypso's beauty and power, all the sailors were impressed. Her femininity was unmatched in grace and allure. Calypso's powers were eclipsed only by the great sea god Poseidon himself, and only Zeus, the leader of all the gods, could command her. Although she commands the entire sea, she had managed to take possession of the heart of Davy Jones.

Cove of Shadows ━━ Will TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now