Chapter 3

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We arrived in the munchkin town where it had once been so full of color and joy, but now it had a haze over top of it. There were hardly any munchkins out of their houses. We went up to a house so we could talk to someone and find out what had happened.
We got to a door and knocked on it. It took a while for anyone to answer but finally someone came. It was a little munchkin girl, with her hair in two french braids. She wore her normal colorful outfit except, this time it was all tattered and torn up. We introduced ourselves and while we were talking she just looked horrified. Then she said stuttering, "p-p-p-please don't h-h-hurt me." We said back, "don't worry we aren't here to hurt you or anyone. We just want to know what has happened her since we've been gone. It looks so different."
Then she called her mother into the room. Her mother started to explain that a riot had been started against Glinda the good. Who now everyone referred to as, "Glinda the bad.
We were so confused, an we didn't know if we were all talking about the same Glinda. The Glinda that told us to follow the yellow brick road, the Glinda that helped protect us and told us to take the ruby red slippers. Her mother told us that if we were to go see our friends that we would need to be extremely cautious. People have become savage out of fear, since the riot. She Said that they could attack if they saw us and were threatened in any way. So we continued on keeping that in mind....

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