Chapter 16

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When we got to the sight they had lights, plastic tunnels, and a whole tone of security.

"That's no satellite crash!" Jane said. "They would have hauled the wreckage away, they wouldn't have built a city around it."

"Your going to need this." He said giving her his jacket.

"Wait, what, why?" She stamperd as thunder rumbled.

"Now stay here. Once I have Mjolnir I will return the items they've stolen from you. Deal?"

"No. Look what's down there. You think your just going to walk in, grab our stuff and walk out?"

"No I'm going to fly out." He walked over to the black site as more thunder rumbled and lighting flashed.

"Do you know if Darcy is single?" She gave me a look. "What if I have to be on this hell hole I want some company." I said.

Alarms started blaring and guards started running around. We ducked down and she called Erik.

"Hi, Erik, it's me. Don't worry, I'm fine, but just in case you don't hear from me in the next hour, just come by the crater site and try and find me, okay? I did exactly what you told me not to. I'm sorry. So sorry, bye."

"Shit. I don't think I have my phone on me." I said patting my pockets.

"Thor might be hurt and your worried about your phone? What kind of friend are you?" She asked.

"Says the one who just called Erik. And I'm a friend that needs a phone to keep their son out of labs for the rest of his life." She rolled her eyes and gave me her phone.

I dialed Phil's number hoping he would pick up.

"This is Phil Coulson. I can't come to the phone right now so leave a message." After his personal phone didn't work I called his work number.

"Agent Coulson." He answered.

"Phil your target is the Prince." I said.

"Lillith what are you talking about?" He asked.

"I'm in New Mexico! Damnit Phil, your target is Thor!"

"Want me to slow him down sir or are you sending more guys for him to beat up?"

"Don't slow him down or your going to have a war on your hands!"

"I'll let you know." He said to Baron.

"Stay out of here, and leave town." He hung up on me.

"Shit!" I yelled.

"Shit? What do you mean by shit?" Jane asked.

"I mean shit!"

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