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(A/n, this one is a bit short.)

 Prompt: You are reunited with the Doctor - in his new regeneration - through a run in involving your brother, Jack Harkness.

When I had first met the Doctor, it had been his 10th regeneration. We were friends then. Really good friends in fact. When I found out about his fate, I was devastated. That was until I met his 11th regeneration.

Jack and I were at a bar, somehow I got roped into being his winglady, when he walked in.

I didn't know it was the Doctor until I heard him shout.

"Captain Jack Harkness! I need your help. It's me, the Doctor." 

The bar went silent, and both Jack and I whipped our heads around to see a man in a tweed jacket, usual proper clothing. 

But what stood out about him was that he was wearing a bright red fez, and was waving his arms around crazily.

Jack and I looked at each other in shock. I ran up to him, Jack on my heels. The Doctor smiled and ran up to me, hugging me while spinning around.

He put me down and excitedly kissed me on my lips, leaving me stunned. Jack looked at me just as confused.

Jack cleared his throat, while the Doctor looked into my eyes.

"So, Doctor what do you need help with?" Jack said, snapping the Doctor's attention towards him.

The Doctor told us that he had just lost a companion, and that he wanted me to be his new one.

"So, what will it be?" The Doctor asked turning towards me.

I happily agreed, and hugged Jack before the Doctor grabbed my hand.

We both ran to the T.A.R.D.I.S and began our adventure.

11th Doctor one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now