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Our night, well midafternoon, on the town started off rough. Before we could even pull out of the parking lot, we had to repark so Pierce could take his medication before he could forget. After that, as we were pulling out, he almost hit someone on a bike! The man shouldn't be driving.

Our first stop was the mall. He insisted on taking me shopping, telling me that my outfit made me look poor. Although that was an asshole thing to say, free clothes, am I right?

He ended up getting me some new dresses and overall outfits, and as a thank you, I went and put on the one he liked the most. It was a knee-length floral dress with strappy sandals. I put my hair up in a messy bun, my black curls slipping out on the sides.

 When I came out, he smiled and said, "There we go! Now you look just like my kind of woman!"

"Thanks, Pierce," I laughed, linking my arm with his. He looked down at me, his smile growing.

"You truly are beautiful. Especially when you smile. I'm sorry Jeff didn't appreciate that. Was it Jeff Winger? If you don't mind me asking," he asked.

"I don't mind. It was. We only technically went on two or three dates, but then he dumped me for some girl named Lou. I don't know. Maybe she was better than me," I sighed, looking down as we walked. I counted the tiles that I stepped over, trying not to cry.

"Hey, don't you ever say that. I've only known you for half a day, and I can tell you're streets ahead!" he said.

"Thanks, Pierce. And thanks for taking me out. You didn't have to do that, let alone spend money on me," I laughed, unsure of what being streets ahead meant.

"Don't worry about it. I've got enough money. It's high time I use it," he smiled, stopping us in our tracks. "Are you hungry? I know this great Mexican joint. Let's go! It's around happy hour, too, if you wanted a drink or anything. No pressure, I understand if you would rather not drink."

"I would enjoy that! I don't know if I'll drink, but I am definitely down for some tacos!" I replied. We both started heading back to the car. The restaurant he talked about was about ten minutes away, so we definitely had to drive, especially with how old Pierce was.

We made it there and ordered our food, neither of us drinking. We sat and talked, getting to know each other some more. Pierce was definitely interesting, but he seemed like a good man at heart. I had heard about him before and the numerous student complaints about him, but I feel like that was something he could overcome.

I told him that I was going to school for hospitality to move up the ladder at the hotel I worked at so I could be at the front desk instead of one of the maids. His eyes lit up when I told him that, and he began asking questions about the cleaning products we used.

After talking for a while and laughing about different kinds of disinfectants, we decided that we should head back to campus so I could go home.

"I really enjoyed today, Pierce. Do you want to hang out again sometime?" I asked as we walked through the parking lot to his car.

"You mean that? I would love that!" He said, throwing his hands up in victory, accidentally knocking me over. I fell to the ground, landing on my wrist the wrong way.

I screamed out in pain, scared to look at my wrist.

"Oh my God, what happened?" he asked, trying to get down on the ground next to me.

"Don't do that. You'll get stuck. Just help me up. I think I broke my wrist," I said, tears slipping down my cheeks. He nodded and somehow got me up and helped me to his car. I tried not to look at my wrist until I got into his car, but once I sat down, I looked at it.

It was definitely broken.

"Oh, shit. I can't afford this," I sniffled, staring up at the ceiling. 

"Don't worry about it, Amy. I'll pay for it. It was my fault," he said, trying to focus on the road as he drove.

We did make it to the hospital and sat in the emergency room for a few hours, Pierce having to leave before it got dark. He set it up to where they would bill him for everything before he left, and soon Amanda showed up. 

I filled her in on everything that happened, and to my surprise, she didn't have anything incredibly negative to say.

"Are you going to give him a shot? I mean, he's definitely older and clearly rich. I say get yourself a sugar daddy," she laughed.

"I am going to give him a shot. But I don't want him to be my sugar daddy. I feel like he could actually be a great significant other," I sighed.


After a few weeks of midafternoons on the town and avoiding any more wipeouts, Pierce and I ended up becoming exclusive. I definitely got some weird looks, and it was awkward when one of his friends was a guy I dated for a while, but it was nice.

He actually cared for me, for once. He doted on me and made sure I always had what I needed. He even got rid of his secret room full of swings when I moved in so I could have my own room for doing homework and reading. I don't actually know why he had that room, though. He told me not to worry about it. 

I did truly love Pierce, and he truly loved me. 

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