She didn't know what it was about but she guess it couldn't have been that important until, Tamela made time to see her at the revival.

When it was Tamela's turn to sing she threw down as she had everybody up on there feet at church including Tammy. Which surprised her because Tammy knew that her and Karen were best friends. Heck everybody knew

Once, Tamela was done singing she sat back down at her seat listening to the rest of the service. But throughout the service, Karen would watch how Tamela would eye Tammy and Tammy would do the same but Tammy would only do it for a second. Tammy knew not to stare at Tamela too long before she got mean-mugged by her.

Tammy and Tamela had beef too daring way back when over something stupid. But this time it was different. It was something more serious.

Karen observed how Tamela was watching Tammy throughout service and it looked like she wanted to beat her ass with how Tamela was squinting her eyes.

'She so dang trifling.'
Tamela said to herself as she zoned out from listening to the Bishop preach and kept focusing on Tammy. 'She betta be glad we in church and not outside.'

Tam thought to herself but before she could go on she felt her husband, David gently hold her hand to bring her back into the sermon. How can she live with herself? Tamela wondered as she paid attention to the service trying not to let Tammy get the best of her.

David looked to his wife telling her with his eyes that 'they'll just have to talk about it after the service and Tamela nodded her head once in understanding as that was the plan.

Once service was finally over with Tamela made her way to the back as almost if she was rushing trying to dodge all of the compliments of how amazing she was today when she performed.

She was used to the comments by now and thanked them all. But she had some business to tend too. Making her way to the Bishop's office she just hoped that Karen was already in there as she didn't see her in the sanctuary after church let out.

When Tamela finally made her way into the Bishop's office after knocking on the door she heard, Karen's voice. "Come in." Karen said, and welcomed, Tamela with a big smile and hug. "Heyy girl we missed you we're so glad you're back." Tam said and Karen thanked her.

"I'm sorry for not keeping in touch with your calls things had been so hectic lately and Every time I tried to call you back it's like I had just missed you." Karen said, "And Tamela told her it was alright." Then, there was a moment of silence in the room as the two looked at each other.

"Karen I need to talk to you about something important." Tamela said and Karen looked at her like a dear in headlights not sure if she wanted to talk too her now after her tone went from...

'I missed you now okay we need to talk' in a serious tone.

Karen has so many guesses on what Tamela could possibly want to talk too her about. "Okay so, shoot tell me." Karen said as she sat down behind, Drew's desk. Right before, Tamela could get the first syllable out there was knocking at the door as the Bishop opened it up seeing his First Lady and Tamela chatting as if he had interrupted something important. Tamela already knew that when Bishop opened up the door more people were gonna follow behind him.

Karen backed up in the chair almost as if she was afraid of the child as she looked back at her husband and back at the child in front of her. First Lady why are you behaving in such a manner she's just a child? Tammy asked as if she was innocent bringing the child up closer to Karen. And everyone looked at Karen as she is literally in the chair with her feet backed all the way into the couch with a scrunched up face looking at her husband.

Every since the day Karen broke down crying in church she had crying spells every now and then it was like her violent episodes became crying spells. She guessed the medicine really was regulating her mood like her therapist told her. But the crying spells was happening so much and so, often to the point where her husband and sisters almost thought that Karen was about to have a nervous breakdown with the way things had been going. But thankfully that didn't happen.

However, one Sunday she fainted in church while sitting in her regular seat in the pulpits. Of course, Drew was the first one to see that his his wife had fainted in the seats and he was just glad that she was sitting down so when he came off the stage to tend to her it was easier to deal with instead of if she was standing up.
Then, her sisters immediately rushed to her side. "Get her some water." Jacky said as she held up Karen's head. "She's still breathing." Jacky said quietly as she turned to look at Drew who was standing on the other side of Karen after he abruptly stopped in the middle of his sermon and one of the Deacons took over while Drew tended to his wife while the kids looked on worried for their mother.

He let out a thankful sigh that his wife was still breathing and it was nothing more than her body just being exhausted. After a while of trying to wake, Karen up Jacky told, "Karen to rise up very slowly" since she had fainted and Karen looked shocked when she told her what happened especially since a mini crowd had surrounded her. But when she tried to get up even with Jacky's help and still holding her hand she felt to weak too talk as she almost fainted again.

But this time, "Drew caught her" carrying her bridal style in church as he took her too her office calling the ambulance since this wasn't exactly normal for a person to still be a bit weak few moments after they've woken up from fainting as Jacky noted.

The family of Karen clark sheard her doctor called out has been under a lot of stress lately?Try to keep her stress levels down know that she's IED and that's gonna be harder. But it was nothing more than her being stressed out and the family let out a breath especially Dorinda and Drew.

Because everyone was lowkey thinking that it was another suicide attempt and it just so happened inside the sanctuary and it would've been too much for them to handle especially Dorinda.

After she was let out the hospital, Tamela had called by the house just to make sure that she was okay. But she knew that she needed to talk to Karen before someone else did.

A week after, Karen was resting at home she had received a vanilla envelope in the mail with no address on it. She was glad that she was the only person home at the time since the kids were at school and Drew was at work. She went upstairs to her bedroom with the envelope in hand opening it as she sat down on her bed. When she pulled it open what she saw shocked her.

'I know your secret.' The note said, as she saw a smaller white envelope she opened it and pictures fell out. She looked at the pictures and she gasped covering up her mouth jumping back on her bed as they fell to the floor she looked at them like she was afraid of it.

'I'm going to ruin you if word ever gets out.' The message on that same letter said, where it had I know your secret. And Karen had no idea who took these or who even knew of her address. There were only a few people that knew of her and Drew's address and they barely got mail like this there could only be one or two other people who she knew would do something like this.

'Run your mouth if you want too.' The last note said looking at the letter that came as she finally picked up the pictures looking at them. "Am I crazy?" Karen thought to herself as she kept looking through them not believing what they saw. "No." She shook her head again wiping her tears that fell as she looked through them looking at the pictures one more time she scrunched up her face in distaste before she ripped them and burned them in her and Drew's fireplace that were in their room.

'No one is ever going to know.' Karen said forgetting that she had to have that conversation with her sisters as she took the letter and burned that too not trying to save anything for evidence.

To be continued...


What do y'all think is happening?

Why do y'all think Tamela even came there?

What y'all think Karen saw in those pictures?

~ Next chapter the truth will be told in a three part series that I might upload all at once.
It's finna be a rocky ride y'all!

Comments or thoughts?!

Thanks for reading!

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