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I feel myself fall and my eyes grow heavy as someone catches me their arm wrapping around my waist "NORMAN? Norman are you okay!?" I heard a voice shout as I struggled to keep my eyes open "Cmon stay awake Norman!" The voice said again as my eyelids finally fully opened and I tried to steady myself "you okay Norman?" I glanced up to see Otto looking at me with a worried expression "yeah just feel lightheaded is all" I spoke leaning against a nearby wall "cmon I'll take you to my place" Otto said grabbing my arm and draping it around his shoulder "b-but I need to find my son" I protested as he began walking out of the alley with me still holding onto him "I'll help you find him tomorrow but for now you need to get some rest" he replied signalling for a nearby taxi to stop "fine" I sighed letting him pull me into the taxi.
Time skip
As the Taxi pulled up to an apartment complex me and Otto stepped out, I was starting to feel better so I walked by myself and followed Otto through the entrance and into a elevator where he pressed the number 4 " you think my son is doing alright?" I asked as the elevator began to move "Norman...look I don't know if I should tell you this but he after your death Harry took over Oscorp and even helped fund a project of mine" Otto said turning towards me with a unreadable look on his face "Really?? I never knew he had it in him" I said surprised "Yeah your son ran it well. you should be proud" he spoke, I just nodded in reply as the elevator stopped moving and the doors opened "So which apartment is yours" I asked stepping out into a lit up hallway "number 204 just over there" otto said pointing down the corridor "why number 204" I questioned as we reached his apartment "Im not sure actually" otto answered before unlocking the door and walking inside "you can sleep on my couch if you want I'll just grab you a pillow and some blankets" he said walking into what looked like a living room and through a door, when he was gone I walked over to the fireplace to warm myself up when I noticed a picture of two familiar young males in lab coats, after a closer look I realised that the photo was actually of me and Otto when we were younger "What're you looking at" Spoke a voice startling me out of my thoughts "Oh sorry Otto I just noticed this photo and it made me realise that most of my memories are hazy, I can remember Harry, myself and now you but everything else is a blur" I sighed looking over at him as he walked over to the sofa and set up the pillow and blankets "Here get some sleep" Otto said when I didn't move he looked over at me with a sympathetic look on his face "I promise we'll look for Harry tomorrow but for now you need to rest" he spoke, reluctantly I walked to the sofa and got under the blanket as Otto turned off the light "Otto...thanks for letting me stay" I said unsure if he heard me "It's no problem" he replied before speaking again "Night Norman" I sat up and smiled over at him saying "Night Otto" before lying back down and drifting off to sleep.

Thank you for reading 🍄
603 words dayum

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