Chapter Two

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 LUKAS LOVES to sleep, and he hates early mornings. He would rather sleep the whole day away then do anything at all. But the funny thing was he could go weeks without sleep but he strives to never have to do that at all in the first place. The only reason he could go that long without sleep if because of his heritage. He wasn't American, actually he wasn't even human. He was Asgardian, he was from the Land Eternal, and the son of a war criminal. His father was Loki Odinson, and his uncle was Thor Odinson. Lukas hated his father, and his father hated him, so it was a wonderful relationship. Actually the only reason that Lukas was on Midgard was there in the first place was because his father threatened to kill him if he stayed on Asgard. So he had to leave the one person that he would kill and be killed for, his grandmother. The one that raised him and taught him magic. He hasn't done much magic while he was on Midgard, and no one had even seen him use magic, and wanted to keep it that way. Not even his step brother, the Amazing Spider-Man, no one even knew that he was Spider-Man except for Lukas, Peter himself, Tony Stark, and the Avengers. He was brought in because they saw him save a random person and decided that he would be a good Avenger, Peter declined and said that he would rather be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man (but occasionally he went on missions with the Avengers but those were few and far between), and he was also Tony Stark's intern. The two of them were best friends, have been since they were five years old, since he was adopted by Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Uncle Ben had died a couple of months ago and their loss was still fresh in their minds. It really hurt them because they were all super close, they were a tight knit family. 

 Lukas was still sleeping, his onyx black hair was long and thick and completely bed head at the moment. He and Peter shared a room and a bunk bed. Lukas had the top, and Peter took the bottom one. The teenager was not the easiest person to wake up, alarm clocks never worked. Not even when he used the loudest and most annoying sound he could and they still never worked. Which was often why he had to rely on his brother Peter to wake him up. He was the only person that would be able to wake him up and live to survive the day. 

 Peter was the good boy, he did what he was told and he rarely had any secrets from anybody. And he only had one big one, he was Spider-Man, and that was about it. Lukas on the other hand was the devil on your shoulder. He loved a good prank and never followed the rules. It was just a bit of fun. Of course he made sure that Peter, Aunt May, and when he was alive, Uncle Ben never found out about the not so good things that he did. He always made sure when he made some illegal dealings that no one knew about his name, face, or family. Lukas never wanted any of his family involved in the couple of enemies that he had. Peter of course was oblivious to his darker aspects and just saw his brother as a mischievous smart ass that he had as a brother and friend. Peter was always awake before Lukas, because it was his job to wake him up so he wouldn't be late for school. Most times it took a couple of shakes and the promise of chocolate and he would wake up. But today it was one of those dangerous days, Lukas was tired from staying a up two days in a  row studying for a test. And he was just told yesterday Tony Stark would be taking the highest scoring person on the test and then would make said person in intern. The only reason that Lukas was actually giving a shit on this test was because Peter wanted him to be an intern with him and they would be able to hang out with each other. 

 "Lou, wake up. You'll get chocolate if you do." Peter said carefully, trying to coax him awake. Lukas groans and buries his face into his pillow, trying to fall back to sleep. "Lukas, if you don't wake up I'll eat all your chocolate even the stuff in you secret stash." 

 "Pete, if you do that you won't have hands or a mouth." Lukas growls into his pillow, Peter tries to hide a laugh at his brother's response. His Asgardian accent was still there, there were certain words or phrases that he said and you could really hear his accent coming through but most people assumed it was a British accent.

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