Someones outside gone wrong (Shinoas prank)

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Camera P.O.V
"Het guys it's your cute lavender girl,and today I'm going to be pranking EVERYONE,also I have 2 people here to help me" Shinoa turned the camera to show 2 boys one with crimson red eyes and lavender hair and another one with crimson red eyes with black hair and looked really emo

"This is Reńe and Lacus they are Mikas best friends aside from Yuichiro ofc and also have a YouTube channel as well and Mika Collabs with them they are called "The Vamps" their channel will be linked in the description.........ALSO THEIR DATING!!" She yelled trying to embarrass the two but they were calm

"You do realize that if they go to our channel they'll figure it out,right?" Reńe asked the lavender girl "I thought Mikaela would have smarter friends?" Lacus asked "Ok whatever let's do this!" She yelled

Time skip this brought to you by Mika cosplaying

Camera P.O.V
"Ok guys so we just got finished with dinner and since it's Friday it's movie night so we're all going to be in the living room which it absolutely perfect"Shinoa whispered

Living room camera (on top of the Tv"P.O.V
"Do what do you brats want to watch?" Guren asked as he sat down on the sofa with Shinya snuggling beside him,Yuichiro sat on an arm chair pulling Mika to his lap the same thing with Kimizuki and Yoichi on the other arm chair wile Shinoa and Mitsuba sat on the floor "How about the new movie Encanto I heard it's really good" Yoichi suggested "Oh ya I've herd some of the songs can we?" Mika asked "sure" Guren said as he went on Disney+ they where about 36 minutes in when they heard a knock on the glass door,Guren paused the movie and they all looked at the glass door "what was that?"Shinya said a little scared "probably some leafs or something" Kimizuki said "Leafs aren't that heavy to make that noise" Mika said 'Damn Lacus was right he is smarter than all of us' Shinoa though "I'll check it out" Yuu said "No what if something happens!" Mika said "Fine then,Guren go" Yuu looked at Guren "AW HELL NO MAKE YOICHI GO!" he yelled "LIKE HELL HE IS" Kimizuki brought Yoichi close to his chest as he yelled "MAKE SHINYA GO" "LIKE HELL ILL MAKE HIM DO THAT!" Guren glared at Kimizuki "MAKE MITSUBA GO!" Shinya yelled "WHAT WHY ME,MAKE MIKA GO!" "WHY HIM" Yuu yelled "HE SAID THAT IT WAS TOO LOUD TO SOUND LIKE LEAFS!" Soon enough everyone was shouting on who should go or who shouldn't "WELL IM NOT GOING!" Shinoa yelled "IM TOO CUTE TO DIE" she continued "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Mika screamed as he yelled everyone went silent and looked at him as Mika noticed all eyes were on him his cheeks turned red "s-sorry I didn't mean to curse or yelled" he apologized "look I'll go" Mika got up from Yuu's lap and went "NO" Yuu pulled Mika back down "I'm not letting you" he told Mika "well someone has to" Guren said "let's all go together" Yoichi said "that would be safer and smarter if it's one person we can jump them" Mika agreed with Yoichi "let me get the camera so we can get evidence for the police" Shinoa said grabbing the already recording camera "ok it's starting" she said Shinya went to grab a broom so he could 'knock out the intruder' as he said they went near the glass door and Kimizuki open it "there's nobody there?" He said Mika walked up "maybe it was a stray cat or something"Mika said just then Reńe and Lacus jumped in front of him making Mika jump back as everyone gasped for air besides Shinoa Yoichi yelled "W-WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!!" Yoichi yelled "Shinoa made us" Reńe said "WHAT THE HELL SHINOA!!" Yuu yelled wile helping Mika up "Shinoa I got to Amit a good prank but maybe make it DURING THE DAY"shinya yelled walking toward the other said or the room leaning on the wall just then someone snatched Shinya "Ok haha nice joke Shinoa who was it this time?" Guren asked

"I didn't asked anyone else it was supposed to end here" she said "Shinya come on" Mika said as he walked to where shinya was just then something grabbed Mika and Mika screamed "HELP!!!" He yelled "OMG IM CALLING THE POLICE!!!" Shinoa said "WAIT WAIT DONT" shinya came out laughing just then everyone laughed "w-wha-" was all the lavender girl could say "let me explain"Mika said coming from behind the wall " Lacus and Reńe told me the prank you wanted to play and since they're my closest friends they obviously told me and I told everyone else and we came up with this plan everything about being scared and stuff was acting" Mika explained "t-then w-WHO grab you and Shinya" asked Shinoa "oh right KRUL AKENE COME OUT" Yuu yelled as the two girls walked out "oh my gosh" Shinoa yelled "ya ok everyone on 3...1...2..3" Mitsuba counted down "GET PRANKED" everyone yelled except for Shinoa and remember "BE BRAVE AND KILL THOSE SUCKERS" everyone yelled

End of video

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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