1- the spell

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in case you didn't see it before: there's gonna be spoilers for no way home and also like a lot of other marvel movies.


It was supposed to be over. Peter and the two other Spidermans (spidermen?) had defeated the villians and sent them back to their respective realities, and everything was supposed to go back to normal. But it wasn't. 

Instead of the tear between multiverses closing, it continued to get wider, and wider, and it wouldn't be long before Dr Strange couldn't keep it closed. There was only one way to stop his reality from tearing. 

Peter stood next to cool Peter and cool youth pastor Peter after agreeing with Dr Strange on the only way to save his world. 

"So nobody will remember you? Not anyone?" Peter looked on in distress for his recently found friend.

"Not anyone."

"Is there anyway we could-"

"There's nothing." Peter said. "And even if it wasn't saving this whole reality, it still may be for the best of these people. Peter Parker hasn't really accomplished anything, and everyone that knows him personally has only ended up..." His throat tightened at the thought of his Aunt May. He swallowed and continued, "But Spiderman actually has saved people. I only have two people left, three, I guess, including Happy... and they'll be fine. They won't even know that I was there before, anyway."

"Hey. You know what we learned today. We're better together. We couldn't have done this if we weren't a team. Peter, don't give up on yourself. Don't do what I did, after I lost Gwen. I grieved and lived in the past for far too long, and it didn't help me or anyone else. You're sacrificing more than anyone should have to, but in the end, it's your choice, it's the right choice, and you're going to have to learn to live with it. Don't let this hold you back. Don't let this destroy you."

Peter received smiles and hugs from his two new friends, brothers, and in just a moment, they were gone, too. Peter stood alone next to the ruins of the Statue of Liberty. 

"MJ?" He called into the silence. "NED?"

But there was no answer.

Peter looked up to see Stephen Strange completing his spell. 

He wouldn't have time to tell his closest friends goodbye.

Peter blinked.

And suddenly, it actually was over. 

Strange was gone.

MJ was gone.

Ned was gone.

He was completely alone.

one last time // a no way home AUWhere stories live. Discover now