Train ride

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Eden potter sat in the train compartment as she headed to Hogwarts. She was returning as a teenager and it was weird.

Eden knew how her nephew was there at Hogwarts and how she hadn't met him.

Eden knew that she wanted to meet him but she knew over her history with Sirius black and she knew how she felt guilty over what Sirius had done and how her brother and best friend was dead because of him and she felt responsible and felt as if she couldn't face him because of it.

Eden looked to her boyfriend Remus lupin and smiled, she knew that the previous night had been a full moon and she could see that he was tired. She was as well, she had been out with him as her animagus trying to protect him from herself

Eden knew it was what she did every month

"are you okay" Eden asked as Remus looked to her and smiled

"I'm fine, I'm just tired" Remus said as Eden smiled

"you should try and rest, you look as if you could use it" Eden said as Remus nodded. Eden picked up a newspaper off of the side. It had Sirius on the front.

Eden looked down at it and sighed as Remus took a hold of her hand and smiled

"Talk to me what is going on in your mind, I know that you have history with me but I am your boyfriend we have been together ten years now you know that you can tell me" Remus said as Eden smiled

"I was just thinking over him and how he isn't the Sirius we know and how he could do this to my brother, his best friend part of it doesn't make sense he hated the dark arts and I look at this and I still see that glimmer in his eyes and it's just nothing changed" Eden said as Remus looked to her and smiled, he knew how much she struggled with things when it came to Sirius and her brothers death

"I know it's hard but your not alone and I think it's best your coming to Hogwarts with me so he can't get to you and I know you can handle yourself but I'm glad your coming too" Remus said as Eden stood up and smiled as she placed a hand on his cheek and smiled

"I'm glad too" she said as she leant in and kissed him

"get some rest I'm going to see if I can get a coffee of the trolley" Eden said as Remus nodded.

Eden knew that she loved Remus and it was good with them, the sex was good but part of her felt like something was missing and she didn't know what

Eden was throw across the hallway of the train as it came to a holt.

She groaned as she steadied herself up, she frowned as she felt it all go cold, she had been distracted over heading back to the compartment knowing how she just wanted to let Remus sleep.

Eden looked as the lights flickered off as she gripped her wand, it suddenly went cold as she saw Demontors as she went back to the compartment Remus was in, she cast her patronus knocking a few of the dementors out of her way as she was always took out by one as she saw Remus as stood on his feet and looked to see hermione granger and Ron Weasley as they sat in the compartment.

Eden looked to see her nephew as he lay passed out, Eden walked over to Remus and smiled

"are you okay" he asked as Eden nodded. She sat down and looked to see Harry as he was Groggy and started to wake up.

"Harry....are you alright" Hermione asked as she handed him his glasses as he sat up as Remus handed him some chocolate

"here, eat this it will help" he said as Harry looked to the two of them as he took the chocolate

"it's alright it's chocolate. This is Eden...she's ugh..."

"I'm your aunt it's nice to see you Harry, you look just like your father. James would be proud" Eden said.

Eden knew that things were going to be different and she knew how she was heading to Hogwarts and she had no idea that as Sirius black was on the run he was soon going to find his way back to her

Eden walked off the platform with Remus as she took his arm and linked it with hers. Remus looked to her and smiled

"are you okay" he asked as she looked to the castle in the distance and sighed

"I don't know it's just a lot being back here. You know but I'll deal with it besides I'm not a pupil anymore" "m

"neither of us speaking of which albus says that we have a shared chamber" Remus said as Eden looked to him and smirked

"well it's a good job that you have seen me naked" Eden said as Remus looked to her and smirked

"indeed" he said as he pulled her close and kissed her.

Eden knew they had a hard year with Sirius being on the run.

Eden knew he was her ex and how they had a thing before he was locked up but things were different.

She blamed him for her brothers death and how her life had fallen apart but Eden had no idea over the truth and she had no idea just how Sirius was about to come back into her life and how this time it was going to be different?

Eden had no idea just how there was a whole new story about her brothers death that she had no idea over

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