"I sure hope not, I have managed to acquire most of information you asked for." The man said.

"What did you find?" Mara asked.

"Turns out the items you desire are in a large storage load, we're talking hundreds of things being held for storage. I've narrowed down the location to 10 buildings, however if you aren't discreet they could move the items. So this is all I can get for you." The man said, sliding an envelope across the bar counter.

"I appreciate the time and effort you put into finding this, thank you for your dedication to my problem." Mara thanked him.

"Well for what you gave me, I think it's the least I could do." The man said.

"Yes, money is all you humans desire these days." Mara mumbled under her breath.

"You humans? You're weird, but hey, I'm not one to question a client." The man said raising up his hands and leaving the bar.

Mara finished her bourbon before getting up to leave, suddenly sensing something.


Making her way onto the dance floor she hid in the crowd of people, observing the man as he walked through the club.

He looked around, scanning his eyes over the room.

However, this was futile given that Mara is a member of the seven deadly sins, he's not going to find her if she doesn't want to be found.

Suddenly a song came on and everyone spread out across the dance floor, having Mara on edge.

'California Love'

Elijah searched frantically for the woman, looking around, as the song came on over the speakers he saw a woman on the dance floor.

He sped onto the dance floor and walked up behind her, she suddenly disappeared as a man danced in front of her briefly.

Elijah looked swiftly across the dance floor, spotting Mara heading for the door towards the outer edge of the dance floor.

Mara felt the beat of the song thrumming through her body as she anxiously tried to escape the club.

When at the edge of the dance floor Elijah suddenly appeared behind her, beginning to speak.

"I don't wish to fight, I simply wish to know why you're here." Elijah stated, his eyes boring into the back of the woman's head.

Mara read his mind, his intention truly wasn't to hurt her, however he would change his intentions immediately if he thought that his family was in danger.

She contemplated whether to accept his proposal or not, thoughts racing through her head.

She said nothing.

"I propose a deal, you don't have to answer me now, however, if you wish to accept my  offer then we shall meet somewhere at some point, your choice." Elijah asked.

Mara looked over to the right at the silhouette of the man behind her, just then the lights flickered crazily and the huge gusts of wind started outside, the howling sound drawing the attention of everyone.

Elijah went to say something but decided against it, instead choosing to inhale deeply.

"Mara, the power you possess is what draws the attention of Marcels men toward you. This power.... It is a beacon for anyone who wishes to harm you." Elijah said, moving his hand slowly to touch her shoulder, his fingertips grazing her skin.

Her skin was smooth as silk and cold as ice, immediately after touching her his hand burned like a fire. Causing him to pull away quickly with a gasp but she was gone.

She couldn't risk him seeing who she was.

Not him.

Not anybody.

Authors note: sorry I chose to rewrite the end of this story because I'm trying not to rush the storyline. Hope you can understand.

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