"Eto.. Can you tell us how you two met?"Takemichi asked, trying to change the subject

Chifuyu caught up to what he was trying to do and nodded"I met him through our mutual friend, we weren't exactly friendly with each other before.. You could say we hated each other"he chuckles

Part of it was true, since he hated how Baji choose to die for Kazutora's sake, when there was clearly another way for them to save him, but he wouldn't blame the male

"We thought the three of us will spend the rest of our lives together, but the both of us clearly didn't see it coming.."Chifuyu glanced at Kazutora

"What happened?.."his past self asked, clearly intrigued by his story

"Our friend died trying to save him, he clearly didn't take it well and would always need to be reminded that it wasn't his fault. He blamed himself for something he didn't have any control over.."he explains, it was true though, Kazutora was manipulated into killing his friend, but he can't clearly tell them that

"I'm sorry for asking.."Takemichi looks at him

"It's fine.. It was in the past"Chifuyu dismissed"It's nice to finally meet his siblings"he turns to Takemichi and Kazu

The gang, who didn't know about this looks at the two in surprise, Takemichi nods, while Kazu can't look at Chifuyu in the eye

"What?!"Chifuyu's past self and Baji turns to the two, who nervously nodded

Chifuyu smiles at this, it was nice to see that Baji's alive and well, though he won't forgive himself if Kazutora dies, he admits he wants Baji to live, but if in exchange, Kazutora dies, he'd rather go back to the future, where it was just the two of them

Because maybe, just maybe.. Baji was one of the reasons why they met each other, even though their first meeting wasn't exactly appealing to say the least

He grew fond of the male, more so than he intended, Kazutora was not that bad, he just has a hard time expressing himself, specially if he's put on the spot, its one of the traits Chifuyu likes about him

Kazutora was always nervous when Chifuyu approached him at first, since he probably thinks Chifuyu hates him, which wasn't a lie, but that was before

Looking back at the group, Chifuyu smiles before looking at Kazutora 'You did it..' he thought with a smile

The gang left the hospital at night, since family relatives were the only ones who can stay overnight, and also because their parents will probably look for them

Chifuyu and Takemichi were outside the room, wanting to talk about the future, Chifuyu also needed to know what Kazutora has been doing

"Eto.. You're also from the future?"Takemichi asked and he nods

"Chifuyu Matsuno.. Nice to meet you again, aibo"he smiles while Takemichi looks at him surprised

"Ehh?!.. Chifuyu?!"Takemichi asked and he nods

"I heard you can time travel, that's kinda cool if you ask me"Chifuyu places an arm around him with a smile on his face

"Ye-Yeah.. I'm kinda not believing it myself still.."Takemichi blurted out as he looks at Chifuyu

"Don't hesitate to ask for our help, all right?"Chifuyu looks at him"We want to help you"he adds

Chifuyu knew his past self will probably make Takemichi the first division captain, while Baji will become an executive in Toman, Kazutora told him about the events being changed in some way, Takemichi will probably see him die once he goes back, that was the last time Chifuyu was in the present or their supposed future

He'll have to tell Kazutora to not let Takemichi go back to the past, to prevent Takemichi from seeing him die, not wanting to dump trauma onto him

The next day, the two teens weren't in the hospital because Mikey called them, saying they have to attend the meeting, Chifuyu thinks its probably about Kazu joining Toman, while Takemichi replaces Baji

Looking at Kazutora, he places his hand on top of his and leaned on the bed, using his other arm as a pillow

"Wake up.."he muttered

He might not admit it, but ever since he picked up Kazutora from juvie, he started caring for him, at first he did it for Baji, but as time passed by, he started caring for him without thinking that he's only doing it for Baji

Chifuyu admits, it was selfish of him to only help Kazutora because it was what Baji wanted, but in the end, he got rid of that mindset

His train of thoughts were interrupted when he felt Kazutora's hand move, looking at the male in shock, Kazutora slowly opens his eyes, immediately noticing Chifuyu beside him, he smiled, while Chifuyu stood up and hugged him, surprising him

"Hey.. I'm glad you're all right"Kazutora spoke as he wraps his arms around Chifuyu, placing one of his hand on Chifuyu's head

"Don't do that, I thought I'll lose you too"Chifuyu muttered, Kazutora frowned at this

He didn't mean to make him worry, it was the only thing he could think of when he saw his past self running towards Baji holding a knife, after all.. He did promise him that he'll save Baji this time

"Gomen.. I won't do it again"Kazutora muttered

"You better!"Chifuyu let's go of the hug and looks at him in the eye

"Where's the others?"Kazutora asked, noticing Chifuyu was the only one in the room

"They're holding a meeting"Chifuyu explains"Takemichi's probably gonna be first division captain, while you're past self will join Toman"he adds

"Is Baji okay?"Kazutora asked

"He's fine, he was more worried for you than himself.. Specially after that stunt you pulled"Chifuyu gives him a look, as if saying to never do it again

"That's great to hear"Kazutora sighs in relief

"I'll get you food, the doctor will probably check on you while I'm gone.."Chifuyu informs as he stands up from his seat

"Alright.. Stay safe"Kazutora smiles at him

Chifuyu nods before leaving the room, Kazutora looks out of the window with a smile on his face

'I'm glad you're alive, Baji' he thought before looking at the clock on the wall, to see how long he was asleep since he forgot to ask Chifuyu



اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Hello hello~ sorry I take so long to update

My schedule when it comes to these kinds of things are inconsistent .-.

Also because I'm working on my other books, I don't really know where my brain gets these ideas

If you don't know about my other books feel free to give them a read, all I could say is.. I mostly or will be publishing books in the future centering around crossovers from manhwa to manhwa, anime to anime or manwha to anime etc.

Depending if I could come up with a great plot and ending for it, I'm probably almost finished with one of my books, just gotta write and think over the ending again before finalizing it : D

Anyways.. Thanks for 5k reads ♡
Wow~ you guys are fast ●_●

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