Chapter 12

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I looked everywhere, I couldn't find them. I was too tired, I sat on one of the branches of a tree. Belle, could I really save her. Pitch is more powerful now, should I just give up? No! I won't, I can't forget Jamie, if Belle is really gone, at least I should save Jamie.

"Put the boy in the cage!"

I quickly looked around to see who said it. It sounded like Pitch, I flew around to see where the sound came from. Then, I found it, I saw a hole in the ground, it looked dark. I jumped in, and I knew this had to be Pitch's lair. I found Tooth's fairies and the teeth. Why would Pitch take them?

I explored the place, I gripped my staff, just to be safe.

"Jamie!" He was in a small cage, he looked scared.

"Jack!" He was glad to see me.

"Stay here, I'll try to get you out of here." Stay here? He couldn't go anywhere, I really need to think more clearly.

"And how would you do that?" The voice was behind me, it was familiar... It was Belle's.

"I don't want to hurt you." I say.

"Why, because you like me! Because you kissed me!"

"I did it to try to bring you back!" I yell.

"Forget it Jack, the old me is gone. I'm evil now, and no one will stop me."

"I know you're not coming back, I came here to save Jamie." I say sadly.

"I don't think so," It was the last thing she said before I blacked out.


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