Maniac Trouble(1)

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Ellison, Ashley and Fay were waiting for Amethyst outside of school because she had to grab something from her locker. Fay was being impatient because she knew that there would be snacks at Ellison's house.

A little back story :

Everyday after school, the four girls would hangout at Ellison's house for sometimes no reason at all.

Fay : UGH WHERE'S EMA? (pronounced at emma)

Ellison : Calm down Fay. Jeez. It's not like your gonna die!

Fay : Tell me to calm down one more time and I'LL BREAK YOUR NECK.

Ashley : FAY! GRAPHIC!!

Fay rolls her eyes. Amethyst comes running out of the school. She starts to pant heavily.

Amethyst : I- I go-got it!

Fay : what did you need to get anyways?

Amethyst : my wallet!

Fay : I swear. One day. I will kill you.

Fay points her finger at Amethyst and gives her the death stares. Ashley pulls Fay away from Amethyst and started dragging her. Ellison walks along with Amethyst and tries to catch up with Fay and Ashley.

Ashley's POV

While we were in our way to Ellison's house. I felt my phone buzzing. I took it out and saw a message from Bose.





Bose : Ray wants you in the mans nest NOW.


Bose: he said no buts.


Bose :  BYEE

(In real life)

I knew that I had to make a lie to my friends again. I felt bad but if I told them the truth, Ray would kill me..

Ashley : Hey guys.. I gotta go

They turn around and gave me a confused look.

Fay : what do you mean?

Ashley : M-my dad! He care of Maddy! Yea..

Ellison : But isn't Maddy at pre-school?

Ashley : she's.....sick! YEAH OK BYEE

I ran off quickly hoping they wouldn't ask anymore questions.

Ellison's POV

I was still in confusion about Ashley. Like why couldn't the maid take care of Maddy? Why did she just run off?

Fay : I know Iam not the only one who finds her sus.

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