Eleanor was completely unsure as to why he had them all come out into a barn in the middle of an empty field but hey, what did she know anyway?

'Any volunteers?' He asked. He watched as everyone avoided his gaze. 'Kory,' he called upon with a small grin. 'Rachel said you can create light heat, is that right?'

'Does everybody have some freaking power nowadays?' Eleanor grumbled and crossed her arms. She couldn't keep up with it all.

Kory shrugged a little at her before answering Dick with, 'Honestly, I'm still trying to figure it out.'

'Okay, so let's figure it out together. How exactly does it work?' Dick asked.

'I think it comes from the sun. I can absorb its power and direct it. I'm weaker at night though. Um, sometimes it's empty and it takes me a while to recharge.' Hearing Kory talk about her power without really knowing how it works had Eleanor pitying her.

'How long?'

'Few hours, a day, I don't know.'

'Can you control it?'

'Of course.'

'Okay, can you hit that tractor?' Dick asked and turned around, looking at the green-rusted farm equipment. Whoever owned this barn was going to be pissed.

Kory cocked her head to the side and said, 'Watch.'

Eleanor grinned at the woman's confidence as she and Dick traded places. When Kory started glowing red, Eleanor took a small step back in awe, before flinching as she aimed a beam of light at the back wall instead of the tractor.

She spun around and flicked her hair from her face, still oozing confidence to drown out any of her existing anxiety.

'Suppose I could use some practice.' She shrugged and swapped places with Dick again, high-fiving Gar on her way past.

'Sick!' Gar nodded, a dorky smile on his face— It fell when Dick told him it was his turn. He swapped places with Dick and quickly walked over to the empty space and looked around. 'Okay, I just, uh, give me a second...'

Dick raised his eyebrows and said, 'Anytime today would be great.'

The three women chuckled as Gar spun around and smiled innocently.

'It's uh, you know, a little weird with you all watching and all. The first time that I transformed, I tore through all my clothes and I uh, I don't... This is my favourite jacket,' he admitted, shrugging his shoulders a little.

'Hold on, you have to be naked to...' Dick trailed off as he moved to stand next to Eleanor.

'Yeah but it'll be worth it, I promise.'

Eleanor grunted and muttered, 'Heard that before.' Which earned a genuine laugh from Kory. Dick gave her a disappointed look but she merely smiled at him innocently.

'Just uh, turn around,' Gar instructed.

All four of the spectators turned around to face the other wall as they heard Gar's footsteps get further and further away.

'If this wasn't a drill we would all be dead by now,' Kory said, making Eleanor cover her mouth to stop her laughter.

A loud tiger' roar sounded through the barn, causing Dick to flinch. Everyone spun around and watched in amazement as a green tiger paced back and forth in front of them, leaping over a stack of large hay.

'Well, what do you know?' Kory looked at Eleanor with a wide smile. 'It was worth it!'

Eleanor laughed and looked back at Gar in awe. She had never seen anything so cool in her entire life, and she'd met Batman. Dick stepped back and practically hid behind Eleanor as he kept a close eye on Gar, causing Rachel to laugh at him mockingly.

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