y'all still read this ?

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pov -- you're me , it's currently december 31st of 2021 , 3 more hours until 2022 --
and you just feel lost .

yeah , hey . it's me , the author , haneul .
ive seen ive gotten more reads , comments
and requests . im happy , believe me .

80k reads is a whole lot just for 10 shitty chapters LOL

and yes , i will continue writing for this .
esp the smut and upload finished requests .

if you have any feedback or requests or just want to share love because i work hard to write these , just put it on JUULROOM 's profile .

yk ... cause that's me .
want to be friends ? leave a message on my profile .
ill respond to you there , and there's a high chance ill reupload my book there too and delete it from this account or just keep both .

stay blessed , happy new years eve .

ill answer all questions & requests on JUULROOM . see you there ! ^_^

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