Karen and Kierra P2

Start from the beginning

"Now, I will be in the room around the area. But your auntie Dorinda is coming over. She will be the main one intervening since she mothered you while your mother was gone. You will thank her for mothering you and being the authoritative figure." Drew told her. "You will apologize to her and the rest of your aunties for ignoring them when your mother came back just because you were mad at her. That don't make no sense for you to do that when they helped me take care of you and I know you love them and that's not love from what you've been recently showing them because they got back together. Do you understand what I'm telling you?" He asked her tilting his head to meet eye level with her. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." He said, knowing that she tried to look away because she knew she was in trouble.

"Yes, sir." Kierra told him. "This disrespect that you have been giving everyone including me by disrespecting your mother has been going on for too long. You betta be glad you were looking out for J.Drew and doing as such or else I would've made you apologize to him too." He said talking to her as she tried to keep her eyes on her dad. "Now, get to that table and if your mother sit next to you don't you dear try to move away or scoot over because small things like that hurts." He said and when he was done talking to her giving her the introduction and saying what goes and what doesn't goes Dorinda was at the door. "You talk to that little girl yet?" Dorinda asked as she came in through the front door. "Just did." He said and Dorinda could tell, Kierra just got finished being talked to by the look on her face. "Mmhm look at you, sad." Doe said sitting at the other head of the table next to her niece.

Once, Drew got Karen to come into the kitchen she sat right beside, Kierra and Kierra tried her best to remember what her father told her. So, she tried not to be as tense or wear her emotions out on her face. Because she then knew how serious it was when she saw tired and worried her mother looked. So, she tried to straighten up even if it was only for one day because Kierra was still afraid that her mother was going to just leave or walk out which was why she wasn't trying to give her the time of day. When Karen sat down, Drew reminded them all of why they're here as Dorinda had a hand behind Kierra's chair just in case if she needed to jank her niece up. But she also, was ready to jump at Karen if needed because she was ready to whoop some butt's today if they were out of line because they really got on her last nerve when they had that argument.

"Now, Karen you have the floor." Drew said as he was finished talking and Dorinda looked at Kierra to remind her to behave and lately, her auntie Doe's voice have been in her head every time she was interacting with her mother since the sisters did actually cut back on coming. They now only came when it was an emergency emergency as they wanted, Karen to take back full control of her parental rights. But they knew they couldn't do that if they were always over backing, Karen up. Their baby sister had to learn how to put her foot down again. When Drew said that both, Dorinda and Drew knew that she was nervous.

"Ki, first off I would like to apologize for leaving the way I did back to when you needed me." Karen said, taking a breath. "But somethings happened and I felt like that was the only option for me to do was too leave because I didn't want to hurt you or your brother even more by staying." Karen told her. But Kierra almost interrupted her by saying but you did. However, she refrained remembering what her dad and auntie told her and kept it to herself trying to keep her face straight. "Now, I realize that it was not the right choice on my behalf. But I was going through a horrible ordeal which made me make horrible mistakes concerning my family and I'm trying to make things right the best way I know how. I just need you to work with me on that because I know I messed up." Karen said, "When I was gone there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about you or your brother." Karen said as she meant it remembering how much she missed them and cried. "I'm so sorry, I missed out on big parts of your life that I was supposed to be there for but wasn't. I'm trying to do better." She said as she looked at Kierra and Kierra didn't know what to say.

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