New Friend

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"Have you ever wondered why the world is so cruel? Why people are so mean? Why people have the nerve to justify how you should live your life and how you are supposed to look? I mean, who are they to judge? Where did they get the audacity to be rude to the unfortunate?" I plopped in my chair looking at the chained up man. "Can you answer that for me, Mr?" I tilted my head and he just looked at me. Is he deaf? "Did you hear me?" I asked and he nodded. "So answer me. Why do people think they are better than other people? Why did you think you were better than me? How are you better than me? Is it because you have money? I do too. Is it because you are rich? So am I. Or is it because you have a rich family and you think because you're better than everyone else you get to do whatever you please because the rich people won't suffer any consequences!" I shouted and he jumped. I ripped the tape off his mouth for him to speak. "Mmm, mmmmm." He says. Then I remembered, i cut his tongue out. "That's right. You're not better. You're pathetic. And I don't want to play with you anymore." And with that he went bye bye down my tube to his death. Another play toy ruined. I sighed and went up to my house. I live alone and i get bored very easily. But my voices sometimes keeps me company. "He wasn't so fun. He was just a big ole meanie. I hate him." I cut into the table with my knife. "My sweet girl, don't get all hostile. We dealt with him and now he's gone. We can find you more friends to play with." "Really?!" "Of course my dear. Let me take over and I'll look for the best play toy." "Hmm, okay!" We leave the house and the voice guided me through the streets. Everyone was holding hands, others on the phone. But then I saw this lonely girl. She seems sad. I pouted. "Her! That one over there. I wanna play with her." "Alright alright." We walked over to her and I tapped her shoulder. She looked at me frightened. "Hi, wanna be friends?" I asked. "I don't know you." "Well, if you play with me then we can get to know each other. I promise I'm nice. People really cast me out because I'm different but I'm just like you. But i do get lonely. And people are really mean when I say I want to be their friend." I pouted. They really hurt my feelings. Why do they think they're better than me? Dows she think she's better? "Well, if we're going to be friends, we have to know each others names." She said and i squealed with excitement. "You first." "My names Alex. What's your name?" "My name is Lora. Yeah Lora is a pretty name." "Yeah Lora is a pretty name. Nice to meet you Lora." She held her hand out and I looked at it. "You're supposed to shake it." She says. I took her hand in mine and she shook hands. "Now we are no longer strangers. I'll see you around." I let go of her hand and skipped away. "We made a new friend! I hope she's nice. It'd be a shame to have to kill her."

After Lora left the bus came and I got on it. Sitting in the back I knew the ride was going to be a long one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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