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            Everyone turned their attention to the screen as it started showing a scene inside an inn. Choi Han was shocked as he saw he was drinking tea with the so-called trash. He started to frown as he asked, "Why am I with him?''. Everyone was shocked especially Cale and the Henituse family while the dragons and beast people just looked at the screen.

...A dragon?"


"I've seen something similar once."

     Every dragon in the room whipped their head at Choi han.Cale exclaimed,'' what the!''

"You did? How was it?"

"...It was a monster."

"How so?"

"Its appearance, its strength, everything. It was a monster in all aspects."

"Is that so?"

Cale nodded his head and continued to speak. But his actions and his words were completely opposite.

"Then you have not seen a dragon."

"Excuse me?"

"Dragons are like people."

Clack. Cale put the cup with the lemonade that was both sweet and sour down on the table. He then responded to Choi Han, who was looking at him with curiosity.

"Dragons, Beast people, Dwarves, Elves, they are all like humans. Why? Because they also have emotions and lives."

Cale and the Henituse family looked at the screen with round eyes. They have stupefied this Cale's knowledge. Cale thought, 'Is he different from me?'.

That aspect wasn't important to Cale. His main point started from here.


Choi Han might have noticed Cale's sudden change in demeanor. He sat up straight and focused on what Cale had to say.

"Such an existence has fallen into darkness since it was born. The only thing currently lighting up the darkness in its life is torches, and it has never even seen the light of the sun. What kind of life do you think it is having?"


Cale tapped the table with his index finger.

"It is being forced to become an existence without rationality."


He tapped on the table once again.

"It has had to suffer through its loneliness, without any family or anything to lean on."


      The dragons were started to get more and more engrossed in the scene. Some thought about how such a strong existence became that way. Cale and Choi Han questioned, "How did he know?" while looking at each other before turning away.

Choi Han's gaze fell every time Cale's finger tapped the table. Choi Han's fists were clenched underneath the table, to the point you could see his veins starting to flare up. Cale did not know about this, as he continued on.

"It is tortured and abused every day, and is only left alone when it is barely alive."

Choi Han's expression stiffened, and anger was in his eyes.Cale took another sip of his lemonade, before finishing up his story.

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