"Where's my auntie?" I asked.

"You know she at work chile she never home but this is spider that's tutu that's dula that's mya thats black and that's booka" She pointed to everyone.


"Hey" I smiled .

"How old are you?" Mya questioned. "I'm 19 what about y'all?".

"We all in our 20's" Dula spoke making me nod as they all started to roll their weed.

"And that's nardo " She pointed to some dude walking inside making him look before nodding at me. "Hey" I spoke.

"Sup" He mumbled sitting down .

"Don't mind him he down in the dumps today because he got his heartbroke" Black spoke making them laugh.

Me on the other hand felt bad...

"Bitch ain't nobody heart broke fuck up" He responded making me chuckle a little .

"Damn Italy took my snacks.... Can we go to O lady house?" I questioned. "Yeah" Myra nodded as everybody stood up except Nardo .

"Nardo you not coming?" Mya questioned .

"No" he replied.

We all left out the house heading down the street which wasn't far since myra was closer to her then me.

"You back baby?" O questioned making me nod with a chuckle. "And there's the hoodlums... y'all stay in my house" She spoke pointing at the group making them laugh.

They made conversation as I paid for my things which was just a pop and few gummy snacks .


"Why you don't smoke?" Nardo questioned as he laid upside down on the couch.

We were all sitting in the living room they all were high except me I was just there making conversation with all of them but Nardo kept talking to me.

"I don't know... just never really got into it"'I shrugged honestly.

"You wanna try?" He questioned rolling another blunt. "No and I don't think you should smoke anymore blunts you off the clouds" I laughed shaking my head.

"A blunt a day takes the pain away" He smiled.

I watched him break his gar before grinding his weed, getting bored with watching him I got on my phone scrolling through Instagram.

"How old are you Nardo?" I questioned. "I'm 20"He responded making me nod.

"Let me try" I spoke making him look up at me confused. "You sho?" He questioned making me nod.

This man was smoking the blunt upside down...

"Ight do this" He spoke showing me how to inhale before passing it.

I inhaled in before keeping it in my mouth for a good two seconds before blowing & inhaling it again.

"You raw" He smiled showing his white teeth. "You can smoke it down if you want" He shrugged.

"Nardo what's yo real name?" I questioned as I kept smoking. "Fed as fuck" Was all he said.

"Not angel smoking.... My pure innocent baby" Myra frowned making me laugh. "And you not going home my auntie it gone cuss me out!" she spoke.

"Okay" .


"Nardo Nardo nardoooo!" I spoke poking him as he slept on the couch. "What?" He questioned looking up.

"I don't feel right... I think something pinching me" I complained making him sit up. " you just high angel".

The others had went to get food while I was just here it just felt like I couldn't function properly because of the fact I felt stuck.

"Why they call you Nardo ?" I questioned .

" I dont fucking know" He shrugged.

"Corny boo I'm throwing tomatoes tomato tomato" I spoke making him laugh.

"Why was you heartbroken?" I asked him. "I wasn't bitches just think they can play with me but I ain't going I got more self respect than that" He shrugged.

"What you mean?".

"You see I got a good heart... ion cheat and shit because if I make it official with you I actually want you I ain't got time for them childish games and shit but this bitch decides she wanna fuck somebody else so I cut her off now she crying talking about she sorry I don't do that cheating bitch shit I cut bitches off so quick" He explained.

"... dang you okay?" I questioned making him nod.

"Of course I don't stress over shit for real" He shrugged .

"You wanna be nonchalant so bad but you obviously hurt" I spoke making him scrunch his face up.

& did turn this into a fanfic.

Nardo a cheater though cried all night after the bullshit he pulled.

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