" Yeah. And they're the exact same ones every night. That's the weird part about them. Never a thing changes." I asked, taking a bite from my eggs.

" That is strange. You better eat quicker, we're going to be late." She said, taking a bite from her eggs as well.

" Right. Sorry." I finished my eggs, and scarfed down my toast.

My mom quickly finished her breakfast, and grabbed her purse. We both headed out the door, and into the car. She put her key in the ignition, and pulled out of the driveway.

" So. Are you excited to go back to school?" She asked me.

" I guess. I mean, I don't know anyone, remember? So it's kind of hard to be excited to go somewhere, when you don't even know anyone there."

" Well you know Jacob, and Anna, and Chloe. You know even more people at school, you just don't remember them, which isn't your fault." She pulled up in front of the school, and unlocked the door.

" I know. But it's still frustrating. I which I could just remember something, or even someone." I said, as I opened the car door, and closed it behind me. My mom called out as I walked toward the school.

" Try to have a good day." She said, then drove off quickly.

I stood in front of the school for a couple of minutes, trying to figure out how I was going to handle this day. It had been three weeks since the last time I was at school. I didn't know if I was ready to face my friends. Especially Jacob.


I was at my locker getting my notebooks for Math class, and only had one thing on my mind. Well one person. Amelia. She didn't know who I was, and it killed me. Every time I look into her beautiful ocean blue eyes I don't see the normally warm, comforting look she looks at me with. I just get back a blank stare of emptiness. No love, or compassion, just emptiness.

I looked over my shoulder to see Amelia walking toward her locker, and  my heart ached at the sight of her. She looked so lost.

All of the sudden, I saw a tall boy my age, with dirty blond hair, walking toward her. I watched for his normal, familiar walk of confidence, but instead I only saw a regular walk. Maybe even a walk of nervousness as he walked toward Amelia. My Amelia.

On reflex, I grabbed the back of his collar, and he fell back, surprised by the sudden hand on his collar. I dragged him into the boys bathroom by the back of his collar. I slammed him into the stall.

" What the hell do you think you're doing Jessie?!" I exclaimed.

He fixed his collar, and glared at me. A look of annoyance surrounded his eyes.

" I was just going to check up on Amelia, since I haven't seen her since you left the train with her two weeks ago!"  He yelled back at me. Anger showing in his voice.

" You have no right to see her, or even talk to her for that matter. You're the reason she is the way she is!" I shouted. My voice rising as I spoke.

" Okay yes, you're right about that. But I'm not the one who injected her with that stuff. That was Ariel." He said as calmly as he could.

" It doesn't matter. You brought her near that monster  in the first place!"

" Well maybe if you hadn't left me to get arrested for 9 months,  I never would have hated you, and she never would have gotten kidnapped in the first place!"

" And it all comes back to me. It’s never you're fault Jessie, it's always someone else's. Why don't you take responsibility for something once in you're life!" I yelled at him.

" That's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to fix things. I took care of Ariel didn't I?" he said calmer now.

" What did you do with her?" I asked, calmer now as well.

" What do you think? I took that psychotic bitch to the police. They said she's gonna be locked up for 3 years, maybe more."

" Good. That means she can't come after Amelia again." Relief washed over me like a wave. At least that was one thing I didn't have to worry about.

" Or us. That bitch knocked me out with freakin' frying pan. I still have the scar." He pointed to the back of his head.

" Good. You deserve it." I said sharply to him.

" Fine. But need I remind you, I helped you save Amelia. I never tried to kill her like Ariel did."

The thought made me sick to my stomach, that Jessie cared enough to try to help Amelia. That he even cared about her at all, made me want to punch him out cold.

I clenched and unclenched my fists. I began to speak slowly.

" Just stay away from Amelia. If I catch you even glance at her, I will personally knock that glance off your face. And you know I can."

I stormed out of the washroom without looking back.   

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2015 ⏰

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