The Waterbending Scroll Part I

Start from the beginning

Cleaning up the fresh cut and applying a bandage, I was all fixed. But this didn't stop the men from asking me every two seconds if I was okay. It was honestly kind of sweet and it warmed my heart, but it did become a bit much after awhile.

Iroh and I had woven our way through every shop on the port—but no luck.

"I'm really sorry, Iroh. I'm sure we can convince Prince Zuko to stop at the next port.." Despite what I was saying, there was a lot of doubt in my voice. Yeah, I didn't believe myself for a second.

"Worry not, Liena, we must hold onto hope that we will restore what's been lost."

Once we met up with Zuko again I mentally prepared myself for his reaction to the news.

"We've checked every shop on the pier. Not a single lotus tile in the entire marketplace." I nod my head regretfully at Iroh's revelation.

"It's good to know this trip was a complete waste of time for everyone!" The prince's anger radiated off of him, almost knocking me over.

"I disagree."

"Yes, quite the contrary nephew. I always say the only thing better than finding something you're looking for-" I look past Iroh to see the crew mates arriving with some of the things he bought on our adventure. "-is finding something you weren't looking for at a great bargain!"

"In this case, we found a lot of 'something's'." I grin and Iroh nods, as one of the people helping plays the tsungi horn.

"You bought a tsungi horn?" Zuko says in disbelief.

"For music night on the ship," Iroh's explanation didn't seem to put the fire prince at ease, but before he can lash out I point towards a ship.

"Look! We missed a shop!" Quite literally bouncing from my excitement, I look towards Iroh for permission.

"This place does look promising," he agreed. The two of us immediately rush aboard with the prince trailing behind.

"Wow, this is incredible!" I couldn't help my wide eyes as I browsed through the impressive merchandise. There were scrolls, books, weapons, artifacts, and more.

I came to a stop at the jewelry section. There were bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and headpieces. I hadn't had my Kyoshi uniform or even the headpiece since my...uh..departure from my friends. So, you could say I was due for a 'place holder,' if you will.

I hope these aren't too expensive. I'd unfortunately left the majority of my money in Appa's saddle as well.

Scanning each section of jewelry for a perfect match, I couldn't help but gasp when my eyes landed on a particular bracelet.

Not only was there representation from the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, and Fire Nation, but there was also the representation from the Air Temples. It's the only thing from the nomads that I'd come across on the ship and it was absolutely breathtaking.

The calm heather blue captured my attention, parts of the braided bracelet were coated in a glistening gold and a couple of charms hung from the string.

One being the air nation's symbol, and the other being Avatar Yangchen.

"This was said to bring good luck when worn on the left wrist, since it's closer to your heart and because the left side is believed to be the receiving side of the body." Iroh's voice made me jump as he walked up beside me.

"It's really beautiful." I nod as I held it, inspecting it further. I still had my necklace my father and uncle got me, but I'd be honored to expand my air nation attire. "How much for the bracelet?" I ask the man who had wandered over to the two of us.

Lotus Flower: Book One|ZukoxOC(Avatar the Last Airbender Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now