💜How They React To Someone Flirting With You💜

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+she sees that your uncomfortable with the jerk that trys to flirt with you she comes from behind and puts her head on your shoulder/head


+she would threaten to reavel their secrets if they don't leave


+would probably shape-shift into a scary looking person and scare the living shit out of them


+sometimes she just needs to come up to you most jerks that flirt with you are pussys


+she would smack them with a flower similar to what she did tto Mariano


+he's to scared to do anything but ernando he won't hesitate to throw hands for his s/o

Julieta and Augustin

+Augustin sees you being uncomfortable and gets Julieta she come by with a wooden spoon its on sight when it comes to her s/o

Pepa and Felix

+Pepa is ready to throw hands same for Felix

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