2) performing!

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Seconds before the platform rises, we stand in parts and services, just below the main stage. Children are cheering. The music has begun. It's my time to shine. I have to shine.

Chica's new voice upgrade might have made her a powerful singer, but I can't let her take away the attention that should be given to me.

Chica stands far away from me and refuses to look at me, only staring off into space as if I'm not here at all.

I don't care. I don't need anyone else's admiration. What matters is the kids. The cheering crowd. The families in the audience. I have to be the best.

The platform rises. Something like anxiety makes my joints harder to move. I feel stiff. Panicked. But i can't leave, i have to perform- I need to- i have to be the best.

The moment I open my mouth to sing, nothing comes out. And my keytar... I've completely forgotten how to play.

Despite the panic, I mouth along to the song and pretend to play my keytar. I feel like a failure. I can already feel myself fading into the background. Falling behind the others. Losing the race.

Until I notice that I'm not the only one falling. Chica, whose upgrade have her the most beautiful voice- is squeaky. As if she's on the verge of tears. She's dancing awfully. She's completely off her game.

I did that. I made her upset, and now... she's cracking.

I could use it to my advantage. Make her look bad.

I put my hand on her shoulder and pull her in. She stumbles for a moment, but I catch her. Chica looks bewildered. I grab her hand and spin her, ballroom style. She catches on after a second and dances with me. But she still won't look at me.

But after we dance a bit, I push her to the front for the chorus. And she shines. She really does shine.

And it breaks my heart.


Roxanne. She's so confusing. First she degrades me and then she comforts me?

I thought I was good at keeping my cool, but... once the platform raised, I felt myself spiral. It must have been obvious because Roxy pulled me right out of my funk... she's such a softie.

But she's the one that made me so sad to begin with! She doesn't get to treat me like that. I don't deserve that. She's so mean.

After the concert is over, I am surrounded by kids. They all want to play with me and tug on my earrings... with the kids is where
I'm happiest. I love being their favorite. They love me.

Being here, in the middle of all these happy kids... it's like the void I've been trying to fill never existed. I'm so happy I could float to the stars.

I feel so happy that I had forgotten why I was so upset. And then I look over at Roxy. She's surrounded by kids too, but... only because she's standing next to Freddy. He's the fan favorite, obviously. But standing there, trying to smile at the kids that i know she can't stand, i get it. I see it so clearly. Her fear, her anxiety, her insecurity. I wish I could show her how much she really shines.

And then, just like that, visiting time is done and we get sent back to our rooms. And then I'm right back where I started: in my disgusting bedroom all alone.

The sadness is raw again. The loneliness and despair crash down on me yet again.

It's far too much to bear. If i don't fill this void, it will swallow me whole.

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