Chapter Two

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I woke up as a feeling of unease set in my stomach. The reason became clear to me when I opened my eyes and sat up to find Ghostbur sitting at the edge of the bed, staring straight at me, which made me jump. 

"Jesus Christ Ghostbur!" I said in a hushed whisper since the others were still asleep. I felt my pulse pounding in my ears. "You scared the fucking life out of me! What are you doing?" 

Ghostbur gave an apologetic look. "Sorry Y/n. I'm just trying to see if I can remember anything. I'm making a list." He held out a piece of paper to me and I took it. "Look!" I looked at the list that he had written. 

 - The smell of bread

-  L'manburg

- Bullying Tommy (He's a child)

- Sparring with Techno as a kid

- The wind

- Being President

- People cheering for me

- Fundy growing up

- Niki

- The van

- Tubbo building everything

- Phil protecting me

- Sally the Salmon

- Philza stabbing me with a sword

- a large explosion

- The taste of salt

 - Air in my lungs

- Winning the election

- A ravine

- Techno's armory

- Books

- Tunnels

- Arrows

- Shouting at Y/n and Tommy 

I looked up at him to meet his eyes which looked back at me. I silently gave the piece of paper back to him and he immediately got back to thinking. One thing that we found out about Ghostbur was that he could only remember the good parts of Wilbur's life and his death. Like Ranboo, he couldn't explain how he had got to L'manburg - he just simply appeared one day. And from that day on, he just wandered around the country, not really doing much. We were all suspicious at first, wondering if he was plotting something but then it became clear that Ghostbur was just not capable of bad things. His goal was to build up L'manburg and make friends. 

I couldn't lie to myself - I envied him. I envied him for not being able to remember, I was jealous of the fact that he couldn't remember that night in detail. All he remembered was when Phil stabbed him and hearing the explosions. And it's not like he goes to sleep so he can't have nightmares as vivid as the real thing. 

"If I was the President before then how come I'm not the President now?" Ghostbur asks looking up. 

"Well, you died Ghostbur." I said shrugging. 

"Oh yeah." He said, turning back to his list before looking back at me. "Who was 'Sally the Salmon'?" 

I furrowed my brows. "You don't remember? But she's on your list." 

Ghostbur shrugged. "I only remember the name. Was she my pet fish?" 

"No she's Fundy's mom."

Ghostbur frowned. "I thought I was the mum?" 

I stared at him. "No, you're the dad."

He nodded. "I know that." he said seriously. I looked at him confused. 

"No, okay," I cleared my head. "Okay so basically, you" I said, pointing at him. "And Sally are Fundy's parents. She's the mom and you're the dad." I said slowly as though I was talking to a toddler.

"So, Sally's my wife?" Ghostbur said slowly. 

"Well, no not really. You guys never got married."

He frowned. "Why not?" 

"Because she left right after she had Fundy." I said bluntly. 

"She was pregnant?" 

"You didn't know that?" 

"I thought I was pregnant." He said in all seriousness. I stared at him in disbelief. 

"No Ghostbur, you can't be pregnant, you don't have a uterus." I said. 

"Wait how did Sally get pregnant?" Ghostbur continued to quiz me. 

"I mean, you helped that." 

"I did?" 

I nodded. "You did." 


"Well, when two people love each other very much, they, um, exchange some special hugs and then the female gets pregnant." I said hesitantly. Ghostbur absorbed my words, nodding.

"You and Dream love each other and hug sometimes. Does that mean you're pregnant?" He asked suddenly taking me by surprise. However, what surprised me even more was when the sound of Tommy's laughter ran through the room from where he was laid on the floor. That little shit had been awake all this time and had been pretending to be asleep so he could listen in on our conversation. 

"Oh good morning Tommy!" Ghostbur said excitedly. He looked over to Ranboo, who was blinking rapidly his eyes adjusting to the sunlight which was shining through the windows. He seemed to have been awoken by Tommy's laughter. "And Ranboo!"

"Hey Ghostbur." Ranboo said, stretching as he yawned. 

"So Y/n," Tommy said, turning back to me. "Are you pregnant?"

"Wait Y/n's pregnant?" Ranboo repeated. "That's awesome! Congratulations Y/n!"

"No, no that is not awesome." I scowled at Tommy who shrugged innocently. I turned back to Ghostbur who was beaming from ear to ear as he watched Tommy and Ranboo's faces light up. 

"Ghostbur, by 'special hugs' I mean sex." I said, just putting it out there. Tommy stifled a laugh at the word 'sex'.

"Oh, I remember!" Ghostbur said suddenly looking excited. "Yes, me and Sally and she was on top-"

"No Ghostbur!" I shouted, covering my ears and Tommy did the same. "We don't need to know the details, just write it down on your list, okay?" Ghostbur answered a happy 'okay' before scribbling something onto his page. Both Ranboo and Tommy were laughing their heads off and I couldn't help but give into my own laughter. 

We left him to it as we all got out of bed and both Tommy and Ranboo both helped me put all the sheets and blankets away. Wilbur's death had an impact on all of us and for Tommy, he had definitely matured a lot, even if no one other than me noticed. I knew that he tried hard to keep up his childish act but I could see that it was fading. 

Tommy somehow convinced me to go out with them to Niki's bakery to get breakfast and I somehow agreed. Niki's bakery was still the hotspot in L'manburg - nothing could change that. Even if Tubbo wasn't up to Wilbur standard, he was still doing extremely well - L'manburg was thriving. However, there was still an aura of death that hung over us all, as if picking who to take next. I shivered even though it wasn't even cold outside. 

However, we all quickly realized that something was wrong. L'manburg, our free country, was trapped. Huge obsidian walls towered over us, casting shadows everywhere and the people were all coming out of their houses to try and see what was happening. I felt someone's presence behind us and I turned to see Tubbo looking up at the walls with fear. 

We all pushed our way to the front of the crowd that was forming to come face to face with a certain man dressed in green, who under normal circumstances I would've been happy to see. But now, now he was angry. And he was looking straight at us. 

"Holy shit." Tubbo whispered as Dream walked nearer to us. He turned to me and Tommy. "What have you guys done?"

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