Lucia's Gift

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"Papí! Papí, mira, mira!"

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"Papí! Papí, mira, mira!"

Bruno Madrigal looked up from his spot on the ground, smiling at his daughter. Her hair swung around her face as she ran towards her father, tripping over her feet.

"Mira lo que he encontrado!" She exclaimed.

She stuck her hands out, showing off the shells he had found. She dropped it in her father's hand, and he smiled at her.

"It's beautiful, mi amour." He smiled.

"It's for you." She said, giving her father a shy smile. "I found this for mamí, too."

"Well, let's go give it to her." Bruno said, standing up, dusting himself off.

The two walked hand in hand, Bruno keeping his head down as he walked through town, trying to ignore as people stared at him.

"We're here." Bruno said at last. "Do you know where she is, or do you need me to help you?"

"I know where she is." The little girl said, giving her father a smile. "I'm going to go give it to her."

Bruno smiled, though it was becoming strained as he walked up to his love.

"Look, mamí!" The five year old was saying. "I found you some flowers. They're blue, you're favorite color."

"Hello, mi vida." Bruno greeted, sitting down next to his daughter. "It's our hijas big day."

The father-daughter sat in silence for a few more minutes, before thunder and lightening found their ears.

"It's time for us to go, mi vida." Bruno said, standing up. "Pepa's getting anxious."

"By, mamí." The little girl set her flowers down in front of the stone.

Bruno rested his head on it, then grabbed his daughters hand, and they headed back to Casita.


"There you are!"

Bruno winced as his sister stormed over to them, plucking his daughter up, and setting her on her hip.

"Lucia needs to get ready!" Pepa exclaimed. "You said you be gone for twenty minutes!"

"I-I was!" Bruno defended, following behind his sister. "We went to go see Sofía."

Pepa sighed, giving her brother a sympathetic look. "I know, hermanito. I wish she could be here too, but you also know how mamà gets about these days."

Bruno nodded. Pepa handed Lucia back to Bruno, and grabbed her dress. She handed it to Bruno, who began to help his daughter change. Once she was in her dress, Bruno helped her brush her hair out, and once he was done, he pulled his daughter into a hug.

"I just want you to know, no matter what gift you get, you'll always be my daughter." He said.

Lucia smiled, hugging him tight. "What if people don't like my gift?"

Bruno's chest tightened, his mind racing with his everyone treated him. Hopefully Lucia would get a gift that people would find 'useful' and they wouldn't ridicule her for something she couldn't control.

"Then you just ignore them." Bruno said. "It doesn't matter what they think, just what you think about your gift."

Lucia nodded.

The door opened, and Isabela peeked her head in. "It's time, Lucia."

Lucia took in a deep breath, and grabbed her dad's hand, and they walked out, and made it to the walkway.

Lucia started walking, keeping her eyes focused on the glowing door. After what seemed like forever, she finally made it to Alma. After asking if she would use her gift to help the community, the candle was held out to her, and she pressed her hands to it. It glowed brighter, and after a few seconds, she took her hands off it.

Slowly, she touched the door knob, and it glowed brightly, making Lucia look away. The girl turned back towards her door, and tilted her head when she saw a design similar to her papí's.

The little girl looked around confused, and then, she gasped. Her eyes glowed purple, and she grabbed at Alma's skirt to steady herself. After a few seconds, her eyes returned to normal, and a purple slate fell into her hands.

Alma looked sad, not because of Lucia, but more of for Lucia.

"We have a new gift!" Alma called, looking around.

Lucia studied the slate in her hand, and smiled slightly. "Look!"

Alma's face held a slight look of relief when nothing bad was happening in the vision. It was just Lucia and her cousins playing in Casita.

Lucia opened her door, and her eyes widened at the room. It was a big open space, with a waterfall of sand, with built in bookshelves on every wall that were at least 15 feet tall. There was a bed pressed up against the wall, and a purple canopy hung over it. Off to the other side of the room, there was a small circle, so Lucia could do her visions there.

Lucia walked into her room, and slipped her vision onto one of the shelves, and she turned and smiled at everyone, who shuffled into her room.

After the celebration, Lucia stood with her younger cousins, Camilo and Mirabel, both of whom were two years younger then her, making them three. The two were currently staring in awe at their older cousin.

"Make your eyes glow!" Camilo requested, jumping up and down.

Lucia focused, and slowly, her eyes started to glow purple, making Camilo laugh.

"Fresco!" Mirabel exclaimed. "I hope my gift is as cool as yours, prima."

Lucia smiled, her eyes turning back to normal. "I'm sure yours will be amazing, Mirabel. Yours too, Camilo."

Both kids puffed up, and smiled at their older cousin.

"Time for bed, niños." Julieta said, walking up, and picking Mirabel up. Pepa walking in and doing the same to Camilo.

"Goodnight, Tía Julieta, Tía Pepa."

"Good night, sobrina." Pepa said, giving her niece a smile as she walked out.

"Goodnight, Lucia."

When the two left, Bruno shuffled his way into his daughters room, looking around with a small smile.

"Papí," Lucia said, smiling. "I'm jut like you!"

Bruno smiled wider, though his eyes were sad. This was exactly what he was afraid of. Lucia would get a gift linked to his, and then she'd be made an outcast.

But everyone seemed to react well to her gift. No one seemed to have a problem just yet, and even Alma didn't look that upset about. So, maybe things would end up better then they did before. Maybe Lucia wouldn't be on the outside looking in.

Maybe something could go right for once for Bruno Madrigal's family.

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