chapter 1 the new Theatre

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phoebe and balan smiled as the two practice performing doing tricks and many more.

balan smiled looking at balan "you did well phoebe "

phoebe smiled "thanks balan" she sat at one of the tables taking a break "so where to now?" she asked.

If you ever wounder what happens to the theatre after people find their hearts well its telaports to the next location to people that have lost their hearts thats one of balan many powers.

balan hummed looked through a book "Well it seamed there's one location that has a girl that's feeling sad but it appears that it's not from this world"

phoebe looked at him "so another universe?" she asked as balan nodded

balan "yes but I worry if I do that lance will follow us"

phoebe "oh come on balan it will be quick that lance will not noticed " she said as she really wanted to see another world that isn't theirs.

balan smiled "alright hold on tight to something it's gonna be a bumpy ride" he smiled as he made the theatre dispare and travel to the next world and it was indeed a bumpy ride and soon the theatre placed at the end of the street down an alleyway like usual.


miko sighed as she was by herself today as bulkhead was on a mission and Jack raf were doing a project and rachet didn't let her have some fun. that's when she noticed a pink tim, she looked at suprised as it was cute and went to take a picture when the Tim grabbed her phone with its beak and ran off.

miko "hey! give that back!" she yelled running after the Tim as the Tim went down an alleyway and went into the theatre. miko stopped looking at the theatre confused 'when did this appear?' she questioned to herself

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