Chapter One

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For you to fully understand the grizzly, haunting and malevolent world that we live
I will tell you my first-hand experiences. It all started during the spring of 1964 I was 20 years old and a druggie living in London, some would say I was having the Time of my life. They would be far from the truth, but even that was better than what was to come. I can still remember the damp, dingy alleyway to this day, I remember being hunched over in at the darkest corner hiding away for the rest of the world. Suddenly a sharp prick stunned my arm self inflicted but still a shock, then the buzzing feeling as the clear light liquid entered my blood stream making its way to my pumping heart. The world began to spin and fill with white static dots. My mind became a bleeding storm poring with the pains of my miserable life. My eyes like dice rolled back and my leg as and arms became numb, a pain surged through my entire body, my pulsating heart began to race. I was dying. Even through the pain and the fuzz I could still sense him, a pain like no other took over me as he punched my throat injecting something new into my vains, suddenly I felt a transformation as if I were fat caterpillar turning into an elegant butterfly .every single cell in my body began to change it was painful but comforting, A juxtaposition that only the pure literal geniuses such as Dickens or Shelley could explain.

Even though I was desperately trying to hold onto my consciousness a sudden haze filled my mind and slowly consumed me. It must've been three weeks until I open my eyes again.I was in some cocoon like state, anything I can remember from that was perfect dreams I had almost like the worst trip anyone could possibly imagine. Waking up as a whole another story it was violent but easy I thought refreshed I won't be yelling for help, Then a future friend answered the door open the first thinking that she must've been arranged wearing it strange outfit she was dressed as though she still lived in the 1800s wearing an old maid costume which her mousey brown hair Lay scraggly across her narrow shoulders
Both her plump pink cheeks were sunken in as she was chewing on the insides, I was incredibly confused by this is I was the one who was in a place I didn't know not her. She let her cheeks go and called for someone. I tried to get up to follow her as she scaffold outside the door but my hands and feet were tied down to the bed. And suddenly a tall older looking man into the door his eyes were dark and sunk in his mouth dry and small his cheeks defined an angular he seemed hauntingly beautiful yet hideous at the same time, even though I was still slightly out of it I wanted to hold my ground I wasn't gonna let the strange man do he wanted to me as he began to approach my bed I stared him down, but instead of leaping at me a soft hypnotising voice slipped out of his mouth. "Be still my dear" he proclaimed invoice which is similar to a song, I listen to the strange man for hours as he spoke about what I'm telling you now explaining the ins and outs of the vampiric way and the different kinds of people I may meet finally he got to the point to what I am now and what I have to do if I wish to stay alive. he told me that to become a vampire myself I'll have to feast on a human soul or I will die. He made clear that he had no problem with kicking me out of the castle and push me right back where he found me he would be incredibly disappointed but he would understand. Stupidly without hesitation I told him that I would join him I'll become a vampire no regrets, this was the most ironic statement I ever made that's becoming a vampire what's my biggest regret. Little elegant man left the room and quickly reenterd holding a girl not to desimilar from myself, she was small with beautiful dark coffee like skin and  her hair was styled into sweeping waves .I remember her being on a most beautiful woman I had ever seen. it was piculiar as I felt drawn to her almost like loving her but then like most love it came to a grizzly demise. The man pulled her neck up to my mouth and told me to feast, hesitantly I dragged my blunt teeth to her throat and bit down.

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